Monday, January 28, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
I have been seeking an opportunity to bring up this topic and I am so glad that I have one now.
The issue of weight and weight loss is a big talking point (and big business!) in Nigeria. There are so many ‘weight loss centres’, most of which are uncertified and often advocate really unhealthy weight loss methods.
I know for a fact that many young (and older) Nigerian girls and women have eating disorders most especially bulimia.
The Nigerian environment really does put a lot of pressure on women in terms of their weight. I don’t think that the Nigerian ideal of beauty is a ‘stick-thin’ image but people (especially women) tend to comment very openly (without invitation) on other women’s weight. Voluptuous girls get the ‘you should lose weight’ comments while skinny girls often get the ‘you should gain weight’ comments.
How many times has someone that isn’t even a good friend or close relative said something along the lines of ‘Long time! Ah you have gained/lost weight….try to lose it/you should be eating more’….
Did I ask you for a weight assessment?
I was reading the new TW magazine (It’s a fab mag by the way, its geared towards a late thirties/forties audience though) and I saw this article on weight loss. I am proud of the lady featured for pursuing a healthier lifestyle but I am even prouder of her for discussing her eating disorder.

London Buki F-I-T
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Here is another edition of BN Prose.
This one was submitted by fab and talented blogger: Shola Pacheco
In case you missed the first edition, click HERE
Story edited by BN
It’s been only three days into my visit,
I’ve been feeling so drowsy; I haven’t had a good night’s sleep since I arrived
The sound of the generator is doing my head in
There is only one thought comforting me, its two months to my wedding day
I intend to enjoy myself as much as I can and not even electricity (or lack thereof) can get in my way
My sweetheart is picking me up in less than thirty minutes so I have to get ready
Cant keep my bossy, egocentric mother-in-law to-be waiting or can I?
We are going shopping
I am seriously dreading spending time with that woman
Tokunbo comes in looking his best
MY Toks
I love this man!
His shaven head, his dark as smooth coal skin…
I’m such a lucky girl
For a moment, I just keep staring at him and wondering how this angel could have been brought to this world by such a woman
Black pot - white pudding
Anyway, I only have to humour her for another few weeks and am out with my baby
I always knew she didn’t like me
I once overheard her say it
She says I am not Yoruba
That I am not polished, after all I did not attend finishing school in Switzerland like her daughters
She even mentioned that I looked like someone who would get fat in the future
Anyway, who cares!
On the other hand, my future father-in-law, Uncle Akinola (well, in 2 months, he will become ‘Dad’), is already like my second father
Kind, cultured, well admired with a heart of gold
Good men, bad woman
Trust me, Tokunbo feels almost same as I do but he has never mentioned it
How can one speak bad of their own mother
As we approach Tok’s parents house, I keep reciting the Hail Marys in my head even though I have never stepped foot in a Catholic Church
I just can’t stand her
As we step inside the estate, I see her sitting in the garden
As usual she makes it seem like she is competing with me for Tokunbo’s attention
I hate to admit it but she looks good
If only she didn’t bleach then pancake her skin, she would look stunning
She just goes on and on about how she just returned from a shopping ‘tour’ – Tokyo, Dubai, London, Paris, Monte Carlo & Beverly Hills
‘Olatokunbo....should I wear my Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses or the Gucci pair?’
‘Toksy, black or gold sandals?’
‘TK, which fragrance should I use?’
On & on
She spends another 2 hours looking for what to wear
Then she starts
She just goes on and on about how she doesn’t like my choice of wedding gown
Say what?
She says it looks cheap, it doesn’t look decent, and that it makes me look podgy & stout!
In my head, I just feel like being Laila Ali with this woman
It’s my wedding, if you don’t like it, don’t bother
Off we go to Oyeog fabrics, by the time we get there, I am still fuming!
Tokunbo just knows the right moments to throw me a ‘cool it with her babe’ glare
Thank God for him
As the day goes along, she just goes on and on changing every single idea I spent months working at
The colours of the aso-ebi, the designs, almost everything!
We soon get all we need; we drop her off at home
At that moment, I need my space, I ask Tokunbo to drop me off at Ada’s house
As soon as I get there, my phone goes off
Guess who it is, my Iya Eko, party-loving mother-in-law
I think to myself hasn’t this woman given me hell enough for one day?
‘Hello ma’
‘Yes, Victoria I just wanted you to know you have to do some adjustments to your wedding gown I don’t like the way its shaped I want it loose a bit…yes very loose...’
‘but mummy I cant do that it will spoil the design and besides what if they stain the dress or ruin the beading?’
‘they wont, I have a friend who is a good tailor she had been practicing before you were born....she made several wedding gowns and for big BIG society weddings......’
‘ok ma, please lets discuss later....mummy...mummy....the reception here isn’t too good.....’
I hang up…
hell no!
There is no way I am going to let some 1933 tailor lay a finger on my Vera Wang dress
After I spent 2 months of my hard earned salary on it
Now really going mad
I beg Ada to take me for a drive, I just need fresh air to clear my head
Ada has been driving around for a bit, we are approaching the Protea Oakwood Park Resort
Ada suggests that we pull into the hotel to have lunch...
I don’t even have any cash on me but Ada offers to pay
The atmosphere is peaceful, it is like people here don’t have worries
We are looking around and we end up at the hotel’s restaurant where we order
The food is delish!
The restaurant is becoming noisy compared to when we first walked in so we decide to walk around the resort…
Ah Serenity!
Something catches my eye from a distance
Just a flash I think I see something
Yes I do
Lo and behold!
It is Tokunbo’s mum
Is this woman stalking me or something?
She is sitting down on a lounge chair dressed down in a pair of extremely tight embellished skinny jeans and a fitted red top
There she goes feeling funky again
She gets up suddenly and wraps her arms around a young man
She gives him a lingering kiss on the lips
Ah ah
That is definitely not Uncle Akin she was in the arms of someone else
Goodness me!
Who would have thought?
Face painting, pancaking, show-off Mama Eko was getting her groove on with someone else
I keep staring and made sure Mama Eko sees me
It isn’t the best to do but she had given me enough grief for one day....
My phone rings all night....
I ask my younger sister to pick up
Mama Eko had called me all night
Not knowing what to expect, I call her up in the morning
The phone doesn’t even ring,
‘Hello Victoria …’‘
'good morning ma......’
‘How are you, my darling.......
hope you slept well, iyawo mi, omo da darling…
I just wanted you to know that I love your wedding dress....and its okay just as it is…
It flatters your cute shape so much….
you know the first day TK showed me your picture, I admired your shape…
I wish I had such a dress and beautiful physique when I got married…
you don’t need to loosen it.....and the colours we picked for the traditional wedding, I think I don’t really like the colours again, we can go to the shop at your convenience to pick the other colours you wanted....’
I am flabbergasted!
I just say thank you and hang up
My heart was pounding after the call what do I do?
Am a new bride-to-be, with secrets on my mother-in-law
What do I do?
What if she plans against me........
Monday, January 21, 2008
How was your weekend?
Hope all went well.
Hmmm what did I do this weekend? Cant even remember....I know Sunday was just a couple of hours ago but it seems like it was ages ago now :(
Anyways, some members of the BellaNaija team and I got together to come up with this list of the Top 10 - Hottest Bachelors in the Nigerian Music Industry.
We are not saying that these dudes dont have girlfriends but for the purpose of the list, guys without fiances or wives were fair game.
It wasn't easy to narrow down the list, there were a lot of heated debates and arguments lol.
Its that serious (actually its not)!
Check out the list and let us know what you think!
When Banky W croons, the ladies listen.
When Banky tells us he is Mr. Capable, the ladies believe him.
When he whispers, 'I need you' on his hit song, My Regret, the ladies melt.
With his smooth voice and well-groomed look, engineer turned musician Banky deserves his place on our list.
Faze is like a diamond in the rough.
At first look, the short dreads and the leather jacket might portray a certain tough image.
But one look into his eyes and one listen to any of his hits and you'll be convinced that Faze is simply a romantic. Definitely a hot one.RUGGEDMAN
Even before he started unleashing more commercial hits like 'Baraje', he has been a ladies favourite.
Beyond his good looks, his conscious lyrics help illustrate his intelligence.
With Ruggedman, you get the best of both worlds - Good looking & smart...not bad.STYL PLUS (Shifi, Zeal & Tunde)
Ok, ok, we cheated a bit by sneaking all members of Styl Plus into one spot on our list.
But are you really going to argue about this choice? Three talented dudes. Its a bit like Baskin Robbins, isnt it? Just pick your flavour.NAETO C
As the song goes, 'You should know bout me, they call me Naeto, Naeto, Naeto C'
Since he was spotted in a few Storm Records music videos, they ladies have been asking...who is that dude. Well you've got your answer now.
This one caused a bit of debate amongst the team but in the end, there was consensus. The P is way too heavy so Naeto C deserves his spot. P-SQUARE (Peter & Paul)
There is no way, Peter & Paul could be missing off this list.
The talent - check, the voices - check, the drive - check, umm physical fitness? CHECK BIOLA PEDRO
The youngest bachelor on our list and not yet as popular as the other artistes featured but just about ready to blow.
B-Eazy of the Amplifyd Crew is our wildcard on the list.IKECHUKWU
His name is Ikechukwuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Ever since E-kels introduced himself to us via his debut mainstream single 'My Name is Ikechukwu', the buzz hasn't died down.
One of the fittest dudes in Nigeria music today. Ladies, you will probably need to be hopping to the gym daily to keep up with this bachelor.OLU MAINTAIN
When Olu was still a member of the group, Maintain, I seriously doubt if the ladies were buzzing as much as they are now.
What a difference, a hit song and an upgraded wardrobe can make. D'BANJ
No explanation needed really!
CLOSE CALLS - Almost made the list...
Pasuma ~ OlaDele ~ Alaye
2Face ~ Djinee
That's it!!! Its not that serious so please dont ask us what criteria we used cause we wont have an answer for you LOL.
Let us know what you think.
Agree? Disagree? This list is in no particular order but who would be your fave?
Friday, January 18, 2008
Happy Friday!
This week has been 'one of those weeks'...
As in, very difficult to explain, lots of fun and productive things have happened but there has been a fair share of not-so-great things.
As my mum says 'God is on the throne so all is well'
Its all good because it is Friday and the day has already started off well!
So this is my first Weekend Luv of the new year. Yay!
Weekend Luv is one of those posts on bellanaija that I love to hate.
Its satisfying when its all done with lots of information, photos and music but can be sooo painstaking to complete.
Anyways, enjoy Weekend Luv - The Model Edition.
Ethiopian Supermodel, Liya Kebede along with her extremely CUTE daughter, Raee are featured in the latest edition of Cookie magazine. Liya recently launched a children's clothing line called LemLem. I am soooo proud of Liya! From her modelling career to her humanitarian work now her budding business. And the best part? The clothes are made in Ethiopia! Luv it!!!

Nigeria Model Awards 2007 winner, Blessing Bassey participated in the Ford Supermodel of the Year contest this week. Unfortunately, Blessing didn't win but she got great exposure so fingers crossed, she might bag a modelling contract in the US or SA. The other African participant was Faridah from Kenya.

Here are the photos from Ashionye's Pepsi Light campaign. I admire her relentless drive for success.

This is totally off topic but I am a major (or mahjah as Victoria Beckham says..) Sex & The City fan so I am ultra excited about the forthcoming SATC movie release.
Here is a poster. Luvs it. You can see a sneak peek trailer of the movie HERE

Also kind of off-topic, I found this CUTE photo of actor Boris Kodjoe's son with Boris' brother. The baby is soooo cute but lets focus on his brother as well...hella fine.
Boris & Nicole are such a cute couple. I also love how he stays close to his roots by giving his children both European & Ghanaian names.

9ice - Gongo Aso
Hot, hot,hot! This song is one of the most played songs on Nigerian radio right now.
Check on it!
P-Square - Ifunanya
Everyone I know loves this song! P-Sqaure's new album is just on fiyah! If you don't have it, better organize it ASAP. It is one of my fave Nigerian albums ever.
Nel Oliver - Babygirl
Since I started this blog, I have lost count of the number of people that have asked me about this song! Well, drumroll it is!! ENJOY.
Modenine's video for his song 'Nigerian Girl' is stellar!
During American Hip Hop star, Talib Kweli's recent trip to Nigeria, he couldn't stop gushing with admiration for this video.
Yes, the song get a wag of the finger for propagating stereotypes but hey, I think it's supposed to be a 'tongue in cheek' ode to Nigerian girls. What do you think?
Confession Time! I dreamt of D'Banj last
I think I need to stop blogging...see what it has done to my life! For me to be dreaming of D'Banj.
Anyways, here is the new vid from the Mo Hits All Stars - D'Banj, Wande Coal, Dr.SID, D'Prince & Kayswitch. The Mo Hits All Stars album is gonna be on fiyah! All the songs I've heard so far are amazing!
Anyways, check out the vid for 'Booty Call'
That's it for today!
Have a fabulous weekend.
Oh by the way, check out my girl, Bobby Taylor's blog...I am sooo proud!
Also, check out Cheta's Blog as well.
The Future Awards 2008 post has been updated with more photos!
I dont have any plans for the weekend yet but I will try to relax anyway.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
How is it going? Its the early hours of Wednesday already! I am soo glad the week is progressing swiftly.
I hope the new year is going well for all of y'all.
Those of u who made New Year's resolutions, hope u r still sticking to it!
Anyways, I get so surprised when I realize that I have covered an event more than once...for example, I covered the last edition of the Future Awards last year and here I am talking about this year's ceremony. Time flies!
The 3rd edition of the Future Awards took place on Sunday.
High achieving young Nigerian people from all over the world congregated in Lagos for the ceremony and by all indications, it was a great and inspiring event.
There were performances by Sasha, Yinka Davies and others while there were inspiring speeches by Oby Ezekwesili, Olisa Agbakoba amongst others.
With the green dress code in effect, the invited guests went all out to impress!
Anyway, here are some photos and video from the event.
I'll be updating the post with more photos later.
Kudos to the Redstrat team, all the sponsors, volunteers and of course, the winners!
D'Banj, Dr. SID, Wande Coal
Designer, Emmy Collins ~ TY Bello
Soni Irabor ~ Raz Adoti & Kemi Adetiba ~ Oby Ezekwesili
Ashionye ~ Ronke Apampa
Banke Meshida-Lawal & Florence Ita Giwa ~ Linda Ikeji
Essence, Segun Obe, Ego ~ Denrele, Isio, Uche
Oby & Chude ~ Olisa Agbakoba
Mandy Brown Ojugbana ~ Warebi Martha
Alex Yangs & Agwuda Attah~ Denrele
Bobby Taylor & Temi Olufeko ~ Bisoye Fowora
Sasha P
Patrick Doyle ~ Tosin Dekalu
Toni Payne
Tosyn Bucknor & Adebola Williams
Ronke Apampa ~ Jodie (WA Idols)
Ebuka Obi Uchendu ~ Cynthia Okpara (MTV)
Oke Okoye (her post-baby body is impressive) ~ Segun Obe
Konga ~ Emilia
Funlola ~ Princess
9ice ~ Mike Majic
Florence Ita-Giwa ~ Omawumi
Mo Hits Crew ~ Gbemi Olateru-Olagbegi
Omowunmi Akinnifesi
Kemi Adetiba
I love this photo! Bobby Taylor, Obi Asika, Olisa Adibua. The P is way too HEAVY! LOL
Photo Credits: Redstrat, Purefoto &
Best Use of Technology (Dele Odufuye)
Artist of the Year (Oghenekaro 'Karo' Okporiereie)
Best Use of Advocacy (Toyosi Akerele)
Magazine of the Year (Soundcity Blast)
Best Use of Goodwill (Omowunmi Agagu)
Entrepreneur of the Year (Bukola Adubi)
On-Air Personality of the Year (Gbemi Olateru-Olagbegi of Cool FM)
Music Producer of the Year (ID Cabassa)
Professional of the Year (Ikechukwu Ochonohor, of Fedex)
Screen Producer of the Year (Mak Kusare)
Journalist of the Year (Abdulkareem Baba Aminu, of Daily Trust)
Entrepreneur of the Year [Beauty&Style] (Banke Meshida-Lawal)
Actor of the Year (Ali Nuhu, who was in Sitanda)
Musician of the Year, (D’banj)
Young Person of the Year (Chimamanda Adichie)
That's it!
Let us know what you think about the winners, the awards, the outfits!