Happy Friday!
This week has been 'one of those weeks'...
As in, very difficult to explain, lots of fun and productive things have happened but there has been a fair share of not-so-great things.
As my mum says 'God is on the throne so all is well'
Its all good because it is Friday and the day has already started off well!
So this is my first Weekend Luv of the new year. Yay!
Weekend Luv is one of those posts on bellanaija that I love to hate.
Its satisfying when its all done with lots of information, photos and music but can be sooo painstaking to complete.
Anyways, enjoy Weekend Luv - The Model Edition.
Ethiopian Supermodel, Liya Kebede along with her extremely CUTE daughter, Raee are featured in the latest edition of Cookie magazine. Liya recently launched a children's clothing line called LemLem. I am soooo proud of Liya! From her modelling career to her humanitarian work now her budding business. And the best part? The clothes are made in Ethiopia! Luv it!!!

Nigeria Model Awards 2007 winner, Blessing Bassey participated in the Ford Supermodel of the Year contest this week. Unfortunately, Blessing didn't win but she got great exposure so fingers crossed, she might bag a modelling contract in the US or SA. The other African participant was Faridah from Kenya.

Here are the photos from Ashionye's Pepsi Light campaign. I admire her relentless drive for success.

This is totally off topic but I am a major (or mahjah as Victoria Beckham says..) Sex & The City fan so I am ultra excited about the forthcoming SATC movie release.
Here is a poster. Luvs it. You can see a sneak peek trailer of the movie HERE

Also kind of off-topic, I found this CUTE photo of actor Boris Kodjoe's son with Boris' brother. The baby is soooo cute but lets focus on his brother as well...hella fine.
Boris & Nicole are such a cute couple. I also love how he stays close to his roots by giving his children both European & Ghanaian names.

9ice - Gongo Aso
Hot, hot,hot! This song is one of the most played songs on Nigerian radio right now.
Check on it!
P-Square - Ifunanya
Everyone I know loves this song! P-Sqaure's new album is just on fiyah! If you don't have it, better organize it ASAP. It is one of my fave Nigerian albums ever.
Nel Oliver - Babygirl
Since I started this blog, I have lost count of the number of people that have asked me about this song! Well, drumroll please.....here it is!! ENJOY.
Modenine's video for his song 'Nigerian Girl' is stellar!
During American Hip Hop star, Talib Kweli's recent trip to Nigeria, he couldn't stop gushing with admiration for this video.
Yes, the song get a wag of the finger for propagating stereotypes but hey, I think it's supposed to be a 'tongue in cheek' ode to Nigerian girls. What do you think?
Confession Time! I dreamt of D'Banj last nite...lol
I think I need to stop blogging...see what it has done to my life! For me to be dreaming of D'Banj.
Anyways, here is the new vid from the Mo Hits All Stars - D'Banj, Wande Coal, Dr.SID, D'Prince & Kayswitch. The Mo Hits All Stars album is gonna be on fiyah! All the songs I've heard so far are amazing!
Anyways, check out the vid for 'Booty Call'
That's it for today!
Have a fabulous weekend.
Oh by the way, check out my girl, Bobby Taylor's blog...I am sooo proud!
Also, check out Cheta's Blog as well.
The Future Awards 2008 post has been updated with more photos!
I dont have any plans for the weekend yet but I will try to relax anyway.
Hey Bella. What's up? Kudos to Blessing Bassey. Those Akwa Ibom / Cross River States chicks are just too fine ... dang! Boris Kodjoe is cuter than his bros. Liya Kebede ... way to go! PSquare, ever representing ... that is one of the essence of humility ... ya know. Sex and the City but sorry ... Bella, i find it boring. My 2 cents. Don't get me wrong i only like the Jimmy Choo shoes ... yea ... me like am.
Bella have a jolly wk'nd o!
I think I'm in the top 5 - yayy! I agree with you - Ashionye is very driven and determined and it's an admirable trait. Love the pix of Liya and her little girl. Adorable. And Blessing Bassey is so beautiful. Good luck to her. Bella, I'm running a Carnival on my blog next week - do participate by either sending in an entry, or checking out the entries (and voting for your favourite) next week. Details are on my blog.
Hey Bella. Thanks for the song connect, you're the only reason I stay abreast with music here,
Isn't Liya Kebede divine? I'm so in love with her and the fact that the clothes are going to be made in Ethiopia, dats great.
Bella, D'banj? D'banj? hmmmmmm... I won't say anymore.
Have a wonderful weekend.
and I really dunno if I like that mode9 video
I really like Liya Kibede. I think she is gorgeous.
Anyway, I also confess I am a closet fan of D'banj. And Wande coal can SANNNNGGGG
have a nice blessed weekend...
2nd cd from psquare is cool..
I have been playing booty thru out today and searching you-tube for the video! Coincidentally, you put it up on your page?!?!?!?! I LOVE YOU BELLA!!!!!
And D'banj......I will keep my eords. thoughts and imaginatios to myself!! *wink*
words and imaginations I mean
Have a great weekend B! Anonymous 10:54am would have to agree with you that Akwa Ibom girls are hot!:) lol!
u know...i have been hearing about this mode nine guy n how he is the best rapper in nigeria...i never heard any of his songs before....n then boom.....a song that is basically a nigerian version of jay-z's girls girls girls....wow i tot nigerian artist were past all this copying stuf......hmmm.... i guess i was wrong......i love u bella!!!!!
thanks for the info missy
have a good weekend xx
umm liya and her daughter look like they could both do with some food... talk about potraying the hungry african look...
Dont like that D'banj, Sid song, nor do I like the video
Is that the best pepsi could do? I am a bit disappointed....meanwhile that "baby girl" song was not bad at all. As for D banj, abeg, that song sucks...feels like he has done it before. P square, dem dey try jare, at least it sounds fresh.
im sorry that booty call song sounds recycled and in a very bad way 2. d vid was ok sha...
ashionye's ad arent that bad but i xpected more...well i guess they were goin 4 edgy.
p square is just fab.
liya's daughter is so gorgeous. shes working d cam really good already at 2!!!
great work bella...
Kudos to Bobbby Mehn! tpoo proud. Now eerbody wants to be a Pr abegggi!! I saw Icy PR blog??? someones copying again. Why now? why cant we naija pple just stick to what we know best ehn? Not everyone can be a PR? Chei! ahhh ahhh! I just had to get that out my chest.
All them gals at the awards show with ankle legth dresses were just off- all the mamams with their lil cocktail dresses were on point- keeping it young and fun.
that gongo aso song is my jam and he sho is 9ice notice he is wearing toni payne t-shirt. Keeping it in the family!! Gotta LOVE that! `next yesr Bellz u'll be on the red carpet.
Boobbby! Bobby!!!
Liya Kebede awesome lady hust amazing. good for her!
nnekalisshhh..excuse u..but i believe icy pr has been in d pr business as long as bobby has been.i stand corrected.Nigerians just like too much beef..the two girlz r friends so wots ur own.so if i decide to start my own pr firm now that means am copying bobby too??instead of u being happi dat the girlz r doin naija proud u here runnin mouth...lol lolunited we stand abeg..lol lol
bella it just occured to me...i know you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!my lips are sealed tho!!!!!
BELLA.......The 9ice song isnt downloading, something about having reached its limit or someting. Can I get a second chance??? pwetty please...:-(
thanks for the post bella, but could we pls pls get the songs again...
great post as usual, funny stereotypes from dat one nigerian ghel song....im ondo n i know only one ondo ghel with a phd now my uncle and father have phd's tho but yea kudos to naija musick tho, off to listen to psquare, great post!
That "Ifunanya" song by P-Square is hot! I've just played it 10x. I like how they used the interplay of the meaning of the name and the word "I love you". For those that don't know, in Igbo, Ifunanya can be a female's name and is a short-hand to say "I love you". The longer version is "Ifurunginanya.
Very creative and fresh. Also, I like the finish of P-Square's videos as well. There management team must really be trying to make them appeal to an international audience as well as a Naija crowd. Job well done.
'preciate is bella...muah!!!
saw ashionye's bill board or summn somewhere wen i was in 9ja..sorry but i expected so much from pepsi and from her.........after all d mouth!!and other random coomercial models pple have that same pepsi commercial...so wat d deal?
tanx for d songs!
Naija People and their drama sha.....I know for a fact that bobby taylor worked for icy pr before starting hers. Their is no need to beef... get ur facts right before speaking. U too can go start ur own pr company...shiooo
Hiya people!
Hope your weekend is going well!
Normally wouldnt say anything but one of my peeves (and it seems to happen a lot, though it is usually borne out of misinformation) is successful women being pitted against each other. My girls, Bobby & Icy are both fab PR people. They are both mature enough to respect each other's work and achievements.
Lets be supportive & positive in 2008!
bella tell them o!
thanks bella...
9ice's song is really really good...a far fetch from my reaction the first time i saw his pic; his ijinle yoruba look is the kind that frightened me as a kid. (i'd like to leave the full ass-kissing to you BN)
Icy has been in the PR thing for a while and Bobby is newer but the bottom line is there's room on the floor for more talented, driven nigerians like both chics.Don't sit on the sidewalk hating.
Signing out......truth.
Well Bella I know for a fact this is not MSINFORMATION but FACT that ICY is str8 hatin on Bobby! I will email u d proof. You are right they should work together and be supportive of each other and not waitin on the other to fall/fail or tryna copy the other or "claim" d other is copyin you. If icy is really your girl then ask her exactly how she feels about Bobby- as sheclaims she "worked" for her and stole her ideas.. anyway dont wanna start no drama up in here.
@da truth hurts... i am sorry i don't know you. And i think u may have started "a" drama up in here.
My suggestion in good faith is to let it go. You are not Icy or Bobby. I think it's best to allow them to speak for themselves or sort the whole issue out, themselves.
As for us that is loving them... we can also be supportive of both of them in all maturity. As Bella rightly and sincerely said.
Take care and all the best!
Just saw ur update on the Future Awards pics. Hmmm!
Abeg pls don't take this thewrong way.... Pls pls Toni Payne when u're going to Naija, dress proper now! People are really fashionable in Naija.
We know you really want to win Future awards etc but 'cos u're in the makeup/design biz u gat to represent now!
It's not enough to say you're running a business and be giving yourself props on blogs. Nigerians need to realise that you have to actually do real work to deserve awards. If not, when will our country get better.
That beautiful Tosin Dekalu is another one chasing undeserved awards jare.
I beg no vex, i just had to get it off my chest.
Sorry Bella.
I ignored the Icy v Bobby Taylor attempted copyright infringement lawsuit. However, since the divisive talks continue I have to say I am really fed up with the divisiveness among our women. We support our mothers, female cousins, sisters,other female family members and relatives; but when it comes to reaching out and being our non-blood sister's keepers we instead choose to destroy and assasinate character.
The two women you speak of Nnekalissh & DA TRUTH NU are based in the USA and if they indeed feel that one is "copying" the other, they can make use of the legal system to resolve those issues because it affects their bottom line, MONEY & HARD EARNED REPUTATION.
However, since they are not doing that and have not levied such complaints, then what you are effectively doing is a defamation of character. It's one thing to be mean and spread lies but when you start affecting my bottom line, my reputation and my clientele--then it's on because you will get served and a complaint filed on you so you can pay me for damages and clear up my name. If we can't be respectful of people's hardwork and defame their character, then we, especially those in yankee, need to start getting checked using the legal system. Bottom line, chill out with that mess! Constructive criticism is fine but defamation of character, ridiculous, uncalled for and a potential legal liability.
Icy PR and Bobby Taylor are emerging companies that keep refining and rebranding themselves each day; and their accomplishments so far is something to be celebrated!
The idea that Nigeria's Entertainment Industry and Africa as a whole should be limited to a few persons or one person is an insult. 2 PR agencies to service 160 million in Naija; and 800 million plus in Africa. I hope more African women and men have more PR agencies. The Oyinbo's have gazillion PR agencies. If a big name client thinks "I don't like PR A, they can hop on to PR B, no shakin' n no wahala."
But us Africans, Naija, HABA! There is room for many makeup lines, fashion lines, PR agencies, fashion magazines and blogs and more. Please stop the perpetuation of narrowmindeds and divisiveness. Celebrate entrepreneurship, free markets,democracy and most importantly sisterhood. We are our sister's keeper.
I usually wouldnt comment but Bella actually told me about this oooo.
You guys be very very careful what you say and what you insinuate.
Whether anyone has the koko on anything at all, the fact of the matter is that Icy and Myself are business people and our markets are somewhat DIFFERENT.
So where this imaginary beef is coming from i dont know.
You should see all the comments i have also gotten on my blog and i had to disable the whole comment thingy because I NO WAN HEARRR!
Icy & I have worked together and we work VERY VERY well together and even have a project sef, coming up this year (babe...i think RENOIR is ready).
So abeg ooo. Whether you have email to prove or not to prove or what not.
Lets just leave it alone.
Baba God no dey sleep.
We are both good at what we do and infact, i am expecting at least 5 more PR companies to emerge in 2008.
Already we have Brian Turner PR...Naija boy, My good friend and we are in the SAME MARKET.
We have NKIRU PR. My dawgress for life. Na the same market we dey tanda.
So leave story jare.
Bobby- Body Full Ground. Big things are happening!
I am so glad that Bobby came here and said her piece. Why can there not be more than one person in the same industry as far as Nigeria is concerned? It's as if we're afraid of any kind of competition. As we feel that the only way we can succeed is if we're running a monopoly. Capitalism doesn't work that way. Let go of your fears and give a girl a break.
My sisters let us support ourselves naaaaaa, haba! Abeg, Bobby and Icy, make una dey do una thing jare! una do well.
Love Ifunanya as well..and that album is indeed hot....
When does the SATC movie come out?
Boris and his family are just too cute for words....
Wow. This is really disappointing. Bobby kudus on your response jare. This has to be the first and last time I will publicly address any negative talks about Bobby Taylor and I.
All this petty talk and rumors please get your facts straight. If we had a dollar for all the random phone calls and e-mails we have received in the past year of CHICS saying “Yetty or Bobby this is what she has been saying about you and your business” I swear we will be buying a house on the beach here abi in Ghana.
I refuse to feed into it cuz I know it’s all negative vibes. Ya’ll this is so sad for real. Bobby and I have had this conversation (believe that) of idle talks and we both decided not to play to it. We both work too hard to let “he said, she said” come in the way. Please this needs to STOP.
Our businesses are important to us and this negative energy from CHICS, I repeat because only CHICS will sit down to talk about people. Great minds think and try to build great ideas. Half of the people talking don’t even really know me or Bobby. TYPING LIKE YOU KNOW BOTH OF US is ridiculous. Cuz
I’m certain a whole lot of commentators have never met us and you have no clue where we are both coming from. As hard as it may seem for a whole lot of people to swallow. Bobby and I actually have great work chemistry. Please this needs to stop and the people corresponding with Bobby and I on e-mail or phone I beg you I do not want to hear keep it all to yourself.
This certainly has to stop right here. Bobby I sincerely wish you continued success your skills are unmatched and you know you and I working together is inevitable. KEEP RAWKING jare. As it’s said “let them say” It’s evidence and proof that we are alive. Phew.!
hmmmm.. Anywayyyyyyy the blog was about hot dudes music weekend love-- ahn ahn how now it turned to this?? I am however looking at Icy Prs comment wit a very very crooked eye cos gurl u should be careful who u say shit to about anybody- You cant trust anybody when opening ya mouf so dont come in here like Bobbys ma gurl and shit when u know u talk shit about d girl. Nuff said! Anyway I am not here to start up no drama or feed into it. Both of you and others keep doing y'all thing. There is room for everybody. Bobby Your drive is inspiring, Love love it. Keep it up sha! You too Icy u be one fine lepa chic sha but u cant trust anybody- so just keep thoughts to yourself and you all should just do your thing without having to pretend like you support each other just be happy you get to do what you love and inspire others in the process.. shioo!
Akwa ibom gals rawk! What else is New? Hehe. I am actually commenting because I am so dissapointed in the Pepsi lite campaign pictures. I mean what the heck? Are they for Real? Ashionye is a cute girl but she could pass for a tranny in those pics. They could have chosen better pictures and done better with the the editing and layout. Its soo mediocre and just doesnt measure up with international standards. Come on! How are those pics supposed to SELL the damn drink?? lol. Thats my piece. Glad to see u back Bella havent been here in a while as u were blogging sporadically and I needed my fix everyday. Keep it up with your blog. I love it and I am very proud of you
Bella could you please re-upload those songs? The download limit has been reached.
Thanks so much for the Nel Oliver's song (Baby Girl).....It was so nice listening to it again.........
I think the two videos you just posted are trash! I challenge you to do better than that. You are BELL to the fuckin A for Christ's sakes. I'm out.
As for Bobby: she should develop a thick skin. She shouldn't have taken down her post/comment section out/off in her blog???
Everyone is not a hater. Some people sincerely want to leave positive comments and ask questions that only Bobby can answer as she is a PR.
Nigeria has always been a tough and hard place to live in. People would always do and say things to irk each other as Nigerians. (Pls, forgive me; Nigerians, it is the truth, i am a Nigerian as well, so i know what i am talking about.)
As long as Bobby is excellent in her game including Icy, then they don't have any worries at all. And i still maintain, Bobby, please, put the comments section back on.
I guarantee you it is good for business. Remember Nigeria is not the only country that you intend to serve. Thanks.
An admirer and a concerned individual
Anonymous dear...comments have been enabled. They have been enabled for a while now.
Thank you for your concern!
Bobby Taylor.
hi bella you are doing great i think you need more publicity,i wanted to get nel oliver's baby girl,its been deleted i am getting married soon and have always wanted it played at my wedding please do you have any idea where i can get the cd to buy in nigeria,you can send any info to dis addy talk2dianalove@yahoo.com.thanks 4 d help and thumbs up
hi bella you are doing great i think you need more publicity,i wanted to get nel oliver's baby girl,its been deleted i am getting married soon and have always wanted it played at my wedding please do you have any idea where i can get the cd to buy in nigeria,you can send any info to dis addy talk2dianalove@yahoo.com.thanks 4 d help and thumbs up
not to bring this up but i know that icy and bobby would have taken over the world by now if not for the likes of some of icys very own friends in her own circle that continue to give her a bad name outside.i worry about you icy, your friends that you call close, are the ones that destroy your image. email me at enisha@gmail.com and i will list their names. starting first with your michigan devil belinda abi where does she live.
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