What's good? How was your weekend? Hope u had fun.
Meanwhile, Big Brother Africa 3 has started!!!!!
The kickoff was held yesterday in Jozi.
Naeto C and Ikechukwu performed 'Kini Big Deal' and 'Wind Am Well'.
Even though they were both obviously lip-synching, they did well! I was feeling the swag more than the performances. The hoodies and scarves - Jozi Style!
Anyway, check out the profiles of all the housemates...
I still have a big question mark as per the Nigerian rep. Sorry but off the bat, dont think he will win...Hope I am proven wrong tho but as per first impressions...hmmmm
BTW, the Angolan guy (Ricco) and Latoya (TZ) have already had a mini hookup! within 12 hours of being in the house!
Name: Uti Nwachukwu
Age: 25
City of Residence: Lagos

He previously applied to be on Big Brother Africa but was delayed to the audition because of an exam. The one-time bank employee appeared on the Nigerian reality series Next Movie Star, which he finished as the runner-up, before being selected for Big Brother Africa 3.
Listing his mom and dad as his heroes, Uti says the best advice he's received from a friend was, 'happiness is a state of mind and it usually begins with a choice.' A fan of Chelsea Football Club, he dislikes, 'people going through my stuff, liars, manual labour and arrogant people.'
His favourite quote ('those who dare to fail miserably are the ones who often succeed greatly') echoes his belief in life and he says people describe him as a 'cocktail of personalities.' Outgoing and talkative, Uti confesses that he has mood swings sometimes.
Describing Nigerians as happy, confident, smart and fun to be with, Uti says Ofunneka was his favourite housemate on Big Brother Africa 2, not just because she was Nigerian, but because she was smart and 'held her own in the house'.
Asked why audiences should watch him on Big Brother, Uti says, 'I think I'm an entertaining person so I think the audience will relate to me on a number of issues.' His message to viewers is to 'please let the best man or woman win.' If he wins Big Brother Africa, Uti says he'll do his part to help the disadvantaged and then he'd invest.
Name: Sheila Patricia Kwamboka
Age: 23
City of Residence: Nairobi

When asked, she reveals her bad habit is that she sometimes makes jokes at other people's expense.
Asked about the best advice she's ever been given and Sheila reveals that her teachers at school always told her 'you have potential.' If she won USD 100 000, Sheila would spend it on buying her parents a home and starting a marketing firm.
Name: Tawana Lebani
Age: 31
City of Residence: Gaborone

She entered Big Brother Africa for the experience because she finds it "an opportunity to learn something new." Tawana encourages audiences to watch her on the show because she never plans everything, 'so everything will be a surprise.
Asked for her motto she says that 'if you do something, be prepared to lay claim to it.' And asked what she would teach the world if given the chance and the 31-year old says it would be forgiveness.
Saying that she deals with stress by cleaning, Tawana's message to viewers is to 'watch and listen with an open mind and don't judge too much.' The Formula One fan says that the best advice she ever got was from her sister who said, 'Stop selling yourself short and being afraid of taking chances.'
Revealing a bad habit, Tawana says that she sometimes speaks before she thinks.
Name: Ricardo David Ferreira Venancio
Age: 21
City of Residence: Luanda

After that he headed to Johannesburg for a year before returning to Angola last year where he is currently living and working as a bank employee. Passionate about his family, Ricco says that they are his heroes and that if he wins Big Brother Africa, his prize money would go to his mom's project.
The Angolan believes that 'what goes around comes around' and that people have got to 'fight for their dreams.'
Asked how he relaxes, Ricco says, 'I was born relaxed!' But he does confess that he's a bit disorganized and can be lazy.
Name: Munyaradzi Chidzonga
Age: 22
City of Residence: Harare

Munya believes he was chosen to participate on Big Brother Africa because he has charm, enthusiasm, confidence and is likeable. He says that his special talent is his ability to read people though he admits to sometimes over analyzing situations and being tactless and moody. He also reveals that he's an attention seeker and his message to Big Brother audiences is to 'sit back and enjoy the ride'.
Citing his father as his hero for being 'the epitome of a gentleman', Munya believes in the Voltaire quote, 'There is no problem that can withstand the assault of sustained thought.'
Name: Takondwa Nkonjera
Age: 25
City of Residence: Lusaka

Describing himself as charismatic, he says that sometimes he can be insulting. He also says that it doesn't matter what you tell people to do because they only do what they want to do.
Asked about his most embarrassing moment and the Zambian says it was when he was booed off stage in high school.
If he wins Big Brother, TK plans to use the money to release a new album, set up a studio, open a school with his mother and have a party!
Name: Thamsanqa Prusent
City of Residence: Johannesburg

An ardent rugby fan and player, he also holds a certificate in Rugby Theory and Practice and attended the South African Institute of Rugby at Rand Afrikaans University before moving on to the University of Pretoria.
Aspiring to become a millionaire this year, the 26-year-old says that if he wins Big Brother Africa, he'll spend the money on a trip to Asia, South America and visiting African destinations.
Recognizing his bad habits, Thami says that he is opinionated and 'hardly ever wrong' and says his special talent is 'pretending to listen.'
Name: Morris Herbert Mugisha
Age: 29
City of Residence: Kampala

A father of one (a daughter), Morris is straight-forward about his dislikes of racism, war mongering, hypocrisy and failure. Most proud of the fact that he obtained a scholarship to finish his studies, the 29-year-old is aiming to pursue a Masters Degree soon.
Morris says audiences should tune in to watch him on Big Brother because he's team orientated and he plans to use the series to 'elevate myself more in terms of my profession to tap into the international market.'
Name: Wilhelmina Abu-Andani
Age: 27
City of Residence: Accra

Asked about her strategy, she says, 'My strategy in the house will be very complicated because I'm going to be partly myself and partly not, so you can't really tell you know. Just watch out!'
She says if she could teach the world one thing, it would be, to 'mind their own business and stick to their lanes (no crossing).'
Name: Latoya Lyakurwa
Age: 21
City of Residence: Arusha

The bubbly Latoya loves to shop, and enjoys dancing.
Asked about her favourite memory, Latoya says that it was time spent with her first love. Close to her family, she says that if she wins USD 100 000 she'll use it on them.
Name: Lucille Naobes
Age: 21
City of Residence: Windhoek

A fan of reality TV, Lucille also enjoys the hit television series Ugly Betty. Having studied Travel and Tourism, she'd love to visit Monaco and lists a trip to London as one of the favourite experiences, specifically seeing Big Ben and the London Eye.
Asked for describe her most embarrassing moment, Lucille is open and says, 'Almost everyday I embarrass myself!' She reveals that the best advice she was ever given was by a friend who said that 'hate in your heart will only consume you.' Proud of her achievement of hiking the Fish River Canyon, Lucille says that sometimes she is selfish and "may do anything to get what is mine."
A fan of musicians FreshlyGround and Malaika, Lucille says that her favourite movie is the quirky classic Moulin Rouge which stars one of her favourite actresses Nicole Kidman. Lucille is also an avid reader who says that reading is one way that she relaxes. Her favourite book is the emotional Angela's Ashes.
Name: Hazel Warren
Age: 25
City of Residence: Lilongwe

Enterprising by nature, Hazel also runs a bridal business and entered Big Brother Africa to experience something different and for the possibility of winning the big prize.
She lists her special talent as cooking and says that if there was one thing she could teach the world, it would be patience.
If she won USD 100 000, Hazel says she'll probably spend it on property.
Click here for an article on BB past housemates - HERE
Also check out the UnRulies Blog for some BB scoops - HERE
Are you going to be watching this season? any early faves?
Nice one bella. You can check out some video clips from the show on Naijagal's site www.naijagal.com
hey bella hw r u??yea ikechukwu was def lip synching..but their swagger was on point,but i wasnt feelin d dancers...lol
sheila is d next lerato frm bba2.
tawana the goat rearer...lol no comment
takondwa the next kweku t
i feel u on dat uti vibe but hopefully he proves us wrong besides this isnt his first reality series.
hv a blessed week
Tanx for the info, but please i'll like to ask a favor, i just started my blog 3 days ago, so i wont mind if you post an article for pple to just check it out plsssssssss http://theblogofacrazygal.blogspot.com/ at least its a stepping stone
YaY, Uti all the way, my school father in igbinedion sec school, cool guy
auntie bella can those in yankee watch n where?
awww i'm lovin big brother already!!
i think the 9ja guy is goin to rep us well sha!
btw, ricco is no long with latoya!! she's now with morris! the ugandian guy.. they;ve spent d whole day kissin n cuddlin!
I am 7th. Impossible! Woohoo.
Omo the cast ar eall attractive looking...
Is this done on purpose?
They all look great and i wish them all the best of luck.
I like our naija guy (Bella save it i dont want to hear...lolllll, we always disagree on these things)...i think he is very alright.
I don't usually watch these shows, but I think the Nigerian guy is cool. Thanks and do keep us updated Bella!
Go Naija boy! I call him Naija boy cause I suddenly don't remember his name. Uti or Uzi?
Im already groaning in advance for this show. The first BBA was fun, now everyone is just trying to find out who can get naked/drunk with the next person the fastest. I'm not a prude by any standards but they seem to have missed the point of it.
like i did last year and lost...lol
i'm already betting shiela from kenya's going to win....
she looks a winner already...
Saw the whole thing on TV, not really a fan of big brother and all, but it makes for good watching when there's NOTHING to do, which doesn't seem to happen too often LOL.
Well Bella first i love Uti, he was a school mate at BIU, the private university he is in right now, and am proud that he s reping naija, never actully realised how cute he was in school till now. i am totally 4 him and i will def vote 4 him 2 be in.
Uti is a hottie!Wish i was in naija men..i'd be stuck on the show.i go dey manage internet for now sha.
bella where can those of us in ica America watch the show.
I live in the US. Where can I watch?
I think i'm like the only person in this world that doesn't get the craze about Big brother! lol. I've seen like 2 episodes and both times I changed the channel.
Unusually good looking cast and the Igbo Boy if fine.
ok..y'all might want to help a sister out!
sorry for the spam but its important and i aint no alarmist
Just by looking at them, i am going to attempt character sketches of these people...someone come back well into the series and tell me if i was right or wrong....
The Nigerian Guy - Seems like a man's man. A natural leader. An opportunist especially with the ladies. I don't think he'll actively persue any of teh ladies in there but if the opportunity presented itself, he wouldn't hesitate at all. Will get along with guys and girls equally i think. Not the most organized guy and probably won't care too much about personal hygiene either. like i said, a man's man.
Kenyan Girl: Teacher's Pet. HOllier-than-thou (or at least pretend to be). Pseudo-motherly. If she can't be the most desirable (to the guys), she will try to be the most religious, or the most morally upright. It's all a farce though. She knows her way around the block.
Botswana Girl: Saucy-minx. Feminist, in-your-face, bitch. I don't care how long it takes to show but these traits will eventually come out. Least likely to hook up in the house.
Angola Guy: Sexually ambiguious (cue earrings on both ears). I'd keep an eye on this one if i were the guys in the house. Will not get along well with the Nigerian Guy at all. Again, it may not seem like it in the beginning but if they both stay on long enough, it will come out. Will get along better with the ladies. Happy-go-lucky. Liberal. Hippie. And probably cares a whole lot about a lot of unimportant issues.
Zimbabwe guy: I can't really tell. Not a lot of character in his face. Either comes from a very rich family or is a thief. How anyone gets so fat in a country where there is nothing to eat is a mystery to me!
Might leave early.
Zambia guy: Annoying. Could pass for an coccaine dealer where i'm from.lol. will try too hard at everything. being cool, hooking up, winning tasks, trying to pretend he's hygenic.everything.
South Africa Guy: Serious case of SMS (small man syndrome). Extremely Annoying. He's not a fool. And he won't suffer fools either. Condescending - without necessarily having any position from which to be condescending.
Uganda Guy: overall cool guy. Ladies man i bet. Self appointed peace keeper.Artsy, Fun loving, lets-make-love-not-war kinda guy.
Ghana Girl: Prude. Like seriously prude. Absolutely won't hook up. **Is that a moustache i see on her?** Speaking as a ghanaian, i can bet my last dollar she's a virgin. She's from the North. Probably muslim. Trust me guys, there'll be no late-night shenanigans from this one. Motherly. Won't get along well with at least one of the other girls.
Tanzania Girl: Low budget prostitute.lol..i don't care what the organizers say. they know exactly where they found this one. on the streets of bangkok or berlin.
Namibia girl: Sweet-heart. lovable. likeable. very comfortable around the guys. Either that or she's the queen B herself.
Malawi girl: Very smart.She's beautiful and she knows it. More mature than the others. Will be the voice of reason. Much to the annoyance of the tanzanian girl.lol.
Uti's tending to be over-confident,but he's alright.The girls are a lot more fun than in BBAs 1 and 2.A major something will 'actualise' very soon.In any case,kini big deal ?
abeg clap 4 ya self. u are so funny with ur analysis of d housemates. pls keep posting comments. u just made my day cos i laughed so hard.
@ K Daddy, Bring it on.....i dig ya analysis. You shud start a blog or something. You are definitely witty yaself.....i must say.
LATOYA - TANZANIA, looks scary.
check out www.ilovenollyhood.blogspot.com
hi the zim dude is so cute and hot ouch!!!
k-daddy if u got nating to say zip it.
hi sally come to africa and apply for dstv and take the decoder wit u to u.s.a......
Bella you havnt replied to my request, pls i've been waiting. Remember its:www.theblogofacrazygal.blogspot.com
k daddy i think yo analysis is just as wacked as you are!how would you judge someone*zimbabwe* from the countrys economic status?!lmao ur soooo shallow...not witty lolget a clue.oh en i aint zimbabwean...am zambian!gooooo zambia!
na wa ooo...i almost forgot to say,d uganda boi is fine sha...tho i think he will annoy everyone in d house.im not in africa too en i miss ma dstv rasssssss!i dey go now...ZAMBIAN 4 LYF!!xoxo
u go gal ib knw da zim guy is sexy i wish i culd marry him!!!!!!!!!!
k-daddy u make me seca wit u jokes
k-daddy ur boring jokes are so whack and critisizing.
kusti dis is not ur mail so plez do not ask for replys people will reply dem selves
hi kusti it is bella i do not wanna talk to u and i am gonna us anonymous
Lol, I know the Nigerian rep, we went to the same secondary school and he was my sister's boyfriend. I hope he does well!
That Tawan looks like Shan George
pls where can one watch d show 24/7 on d internet apart from the BBA3 WEBSITE
Hi all
unfortunately we don't get to see much of Big Brother Africa in the States. It definitely seems interesting - can anyone put it on Youtube perhaps? Also everyone should check out the NYC-based Leopard & Peacock blog and website - they representing West Africa lovely through modern, sophisticated, and avante garde film. And they are actually looking for talent to fill their roster!! They will be in Calabar, 9ja talent-scouting this Decemeber even. Learn more at leopardandpeacock.blogspot.com or check them on their Facebook page or their website - www.leopardandpeacock.com
Have a blessed day ppl!
belllla, where art thou?
hello Bella,
Good job,nice blog been a fan for a longgg time.
how do i contact you. cld u snd your email or fone to me.need to work on some stuff wit u kfo15@yahoo.com.thanks
sorry to say this ehn, but they are all so ugly. i wonder whats gonna go down in that house sef. lol! sha, best of luck to uti. itsnaija!
Hmmmm...my my my there all looking very good!...damn I love African beauty ..I'm yet to see and ugly African..(I know there are some but I have not seen it yet lol )
I wish I could watch it online!! any one no any links???
help a sista out?
Tawana is shan george's look alike.
can you upload some clips
Im sorry if anyone thinks its wrong for me to post stuffs 'bout ma blog here, really sooory
K-dady's analysis of the housemates is almost on point.....too funny
I've no idea how I ended up here and I've no idea what this post is about...BUT I vote 100% GHANA - I was born and brought up there before travelling the world and ending up where I am now..:)
i like munya he is such a hot guy; i guess he has a lot of respect. respect is the best thinz dat u hev to owe to the world so dat dey will luv to kip their eyes on you..we love u dear kip it up..we are alwaz here for u as ZIM people. we are always praing for u..in God we trust dear and all thinz are possible my darling..Happie jumbe from byo.
That's Hot!
big brother Africa Rock,s Great Show!
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