How was your weekend? Mine was an absolute blur…to be honest, I’ve been sooo busy that I am just going through the motions at this point but it’s all good!
This week is going to be super busy for me so blogging might suffer…
Pleaaaaase bear with me….U know I luv you guys and will try my very best to blog!
Anyway, thanks sooooo much for all the emails and voicemails…Honestly I am very grateful, I hate to sound cheesy but I feel really blessed!
So, I decided to explore a facet of Nigerian fashion that I have not touched on at all!
What is this you ask?
Millinery – The Art of Hat Making
Nigeria actually has a strong creative arsenal of talent in this area.
This is one aspect of Nigerian fashion that truly fuses the western with the traditional in a very creative way…
Check it out!
Nena Kalu Ogba of Nena Kal Hunter
Nena studied Fashion and Textile Design at De-Montfort University. She then decided to focus on millinery; she built her hat making expertise when she trained with Mrs Rose Cory, a milliner to the late Queen Mother of England.
Nena moved back to Nigeria 5 years ago and has established herself as one of Nigeria’s top milliners. She also has a line of home furnishing and accessories.

Tiwa Kehinde Benson of The Hat Lounge
Tiwa made her first hat when she was just 14 years old; from that point she knew she was destined for a career in fashion. After studying at various prestigious fashion institutions such as Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, University College for the Creative Arts at Epsom and the London College of fashion where she specialised in millinery. Tiwa has worked with top London milliners like Phillip Somerville before she moved back to Nigeria.
Tiwa’s hats are known for their mix of modern styles with Victorian influence and have been featured in various major fashion shows.

Chito Mark of Grace Hats
Chito Mark of Grace Hats is one of the pioneering Nigerian milliners. Chito has been in the business for over 20 years and is still inspiring a new generation of hat makers with her innovative designs and fashion flair.

Eme Akenzua of John 3V3 Hats
Eme is the founder and Creative Director of the renowned Couture Millinery outfit JOHN 3V3 HATS LTD. She started her career as a milliner in 1989 while training with Rose Cory the famous milliner of the Queen Mother in London, England. Eme worked with the famous Herbert Johnson, hatters since 1970 to several European Royal Houses located in the prestigious New Bond Street of London. She introduced the famous ‘Fila Oge’ head gear and has been on the cutting edge of hat making ever since. In addition to hats, Eme creates turbans, hair slides and other ‘head’ accessories. She has also inspired many by sharing her personal struggles (to have a child) and her business challenges.

That’s it for today…
Please leave a comment even if hats are not really your thing!
Would you rock any of these and for what occasion or do you think its better left on the catwalk? Let us know….
This post is dedicated to Isabella Blow

and Nkiru Anumudu

Much Love!
wow...dnt tell me im first!yay!!!!!newais luving d hats, would definately rock dem if i have to ..pity i'm nt much of a hat person..but great post bella as always..
Never thought I'll make it to first 5! This is going to be a good day!! No comments on the hatsa, not a big fan of hats :)
Never thought I'll make it to first 5! This is going to be a good day!! No comments on the hatsa, not a big fan of hats :)
I'm NOT a hat person...well not these kind of hats...
but, I admire those who make them and those who wear's so hott to see people just revving things up in naij.
Isabella Blow was just something else, epitomising eccentricity..
Hats are soooooo last year....
Do people still wear hats these days?
Ok, here is goes, are there hats for guys...lawling!!!
I'm not really a hat person, I think my head is too big Lol and it'll only draw attention to the size of my head but I do love Tiwa Bensons designs and now I'm tempted
Lovely post Bella...but as most people myself...I personally don't think I'd be caught dead in a had in this day and age besides maybe a graduation hat/cap or thought those feathered head gear clip things had taken over??
Some of the creations are lovely sha...i'd have to say.
By the way you forgot "Bimby Lads" owned by Bimbo Sofeso easily one of Nigeria's foremost milliners(God like 15 years or so sef)...
she made some of my secondary school's boater i'm old.
Anyways have a FAB day all!!!
Good post, don't really wear hats except when in naija (church)... my mum has a thing for them and owns a nice collection thou... we just borrow her's.
Wow I used to wear hats wen I was younger, my mum had a box full of them for us. We were somewhat forced to wear them. Sooooo I don't like them anymore lol. Its like rebelling.
Interesting hats though. Quite creative
nice hats!
but like tminx said, i was forced to wear them when i was younger.. i dislike them now and besides, my hair is tres fab so why cover..lawling
Nkiru Anmudu passed away recently?
Wow! what happened? Wasn't she the one excessive diva and co were raining abuses on?
my bad i read it wrong it was Isabella Blow who just
bella am trying so hard not to give up on your blogs! what's happening girl....
The hats look really nice. I'm not a big wearer of hats though. Apart from church, they can only be worn to very formal outings and I don't do formal that much :-)
Anyone know where they sell lovely hats in Lagos. As in Name n address of hat shops? Need one badly. Cheers.
Hey Bella chesk out this site, the lady is also a nigerian and she makes hats & jewelery. Her hats were used for the Miss World contest that was moved from naija to London. Her name is Deola but I don't remember her last name. She is very popular here in London.
Great post Bella-
Hats have their uses and their days...
I would definitely wear them-depending on the event!
Hats,hats, hats! Where do I begin! lol! We had boxes, bags and more full of hats. I love hats. We wore the ones similar to Nena Kalu Ogba's. I even had a very close friend whose mom was a hat maker and retailer. I still love hats but do not own the Ogba types anymore. Thanks for the post. Brings back some fun memories.
OOOOH, my very first hat was from Grace's Hats way back in the day. I have a turban thing from John 3V3 and its so regal. Because of the weddings and events i have attended in Nigeria, i also quite a few of these comb things that might have a bit of net or feathers but ur hair shows - mostly from Elizabeth Badejo.
I think hats are interesting. I cant wear a lot of the really way out designs but i love seeing them on others...
Sorry that you are so stressed oh...u kno I am here for you to help in any way sha. Take it easy on urself k!
intersting post bella! im not really a hat person but i kno that once i become a MADAM and I can afford them i will...haha
Nena's stuff is really cool. I like the edgy yet sexci look of her stuff. I would definately rock those wit the right kinda outfits!
What are the price ranges for such hats...if i wanted to purchase for say mah mumsi next mothers day? haha
Nice post bella...welldone for showcasing another side of naija that most of us overlook or didn't know abt...
Kudos to all the milliners..
Not a hat person myself tho' but to those who are...rawk on! hehe
I loooveee hatss. I choose to wear them on appropriate occasions though...not just with every evening gown. Infact, I don't see myself wearing a hat with an evening gown...but I doo love my hats!! :D
I absolutely love looking at hats andtrying them on -- not sure about wearing them out. Can't remember the last time I wore one. ANywyas I'm not a fan of Nkiru. The eyes have charmed me into loving her fashion style. Bold and daring and in your face like 'WHAT'!!
Well, I'm not so much a "hat" person .. seeing as I don't wear them. But I like the title of this post. Creative
interesting subjects!
great post.. cant say i'm a hat person myself... haven't worn one in over 8 or 9 years... and doubt i ever will...
creative stuff though
longest time l have been on ur blog. The hats are very lovely. Am loving it. How are you doing? I hope you are doing great.
I've always liked Eme's style, especially the ones that look like 'gele'. I like the interface of your blog by the way. Nice post too.
so after I spend serious kudi on my weaves, i'm supposed to cover it up? Tufiakwa, it CAN'T happen.
Kai! Bella, God bless the dayI found your blog girl. All sweeeeeet.
Hi Bella,
I was really happy seeing these designs. i am a milliner and i aspire to be the best, i was trying to check the web on some designs to task my self with and i came across your page maybe i'll get to post my work some day.Thanks alot and God bless.
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