How's it going?
Thanks for the congrats on my non-existent engagement! I was really deeply touched...LOL
Anyways, some people guessed right so you can go take a look at the comments from yesterday and find out what's going on.
Deola Sagoe showed an updated collection at the CatWalk the World - Fashion For Food Event in Jamaica a week or so ago.
The international press was sooooo impressed and she was commended in various high profile magazines and newspapers so congrats to Deola!
The Times UK Article
Jamaica Gleaner Article
The CatWalk the World movement has raised thousands of dollars and highlighted the issue of child hunger since it was launched in Lagos over a year ago.
Anyways, here are photos from the event in Jamaica.
Show styled by Ayomide Macmillian Akan

Here are some photos of Deola's exquisite new collection including Haute Couture line, Couture footwear line and her new denim line (I believe this is a first for a Nigerian designer)
All Photos below styled by Arieta Mujay



Also check out Toni Payne's Blog for more pics
Check out Deola's Official Website
For more on CatWalk the World, visit their official website
For more on the World Food Programme
We can all make a difference!!!
Anyways, every single thing is pure HauTeness! No questions asked...I love Deola's creativity and I'm glad she is applying it to a great cause as well!
Have a great day everyone!!!
I have been meaning to say this, make sure you check out the LadyBrille Website and Blog...Tres Fab!
Does this mean I am 2nd?! WhatEver menh...I'm good! Nice Post!!!
Third! I'll take it, hehehe
Hey Bella, I just wanna say what a good job you're doing on ur blog. Keeping everyone of us abreast on wut's happening in Naija and all. Good Job Girl :)
I love the denim line especially the skinny fit.. but thats so Rock & Republic, Victoria Beckham's line ...
Why must she use a crown logo also?
Deola dey try sha...she's come a long way..
Now that I have read the actual blog teheheh.. I'm so digging the shoes... Where? where? where? abeg. LINK to buy please. I love the collection.
DAMN YOU ALL wtf not even top 5... icy just you mind yourself what's the meaning of 2 top 10 posts? hissss
yes, the jeans looks like the R & R label, in particular the line created by victoria beckham. they look good, since i have to wear a 34 or 35 inseam I hope she made longer lenghts as well. thanks bella for the updates. congrats on the new job and/or endeavors if my guess is right. if its a magazine, please keep us update as I will like to subscribe.
Icy thats so funny..
You actually left a comment first before reading the blog!!
Bella you are such a
Everyone wants to leave a comment first..Nice uhn?
All very haute stuff for sure! i woud rock some of it :D
Nice post as always bella
luv ya
Egbon ore mi is definitely making waves. All the best to her. For some reason thinking of her reminded me of the lady that runs Every Woman..what's her name again?....
Every Woman CEO - Debbie Ogunjobi
Bella, thanks for the plug. How sweet of you. Deola is doing big things and I am so proud of her, especially her newly revamped site. Sexy!
Didnt know about this show...She has really expanded her line...Good for her....
Another great job at keeping us abreast.
I love some of these pieces!!!
i saw a couple of things that i'll definitely rock.. some sexy ass couture outfits and 2 or 3 things on his runway... hate the shoes though (well i'm not a big fan of those 'ropy' shoes.. lol i forgot i was on a sophisticated website.. oya ankle straps.. lol... i have long feet so it draws way too much attention so i'll pass. the denim was sexy though...
the designs are definetly sexy...especially the denim..feelin it all the way!!!!!
Love Deola.
But can l just say as a friend of the family, the reason why Deola is a designer with a foresight is the level of education she has…..
No doubt about that.
By education l mean “enlightened exposure”
Well done to Deola, she's going places and repping Nigeria for good things. I love the bold colours of her designs and there are some things I would definitely rock. Good job Bella! And congrats on your celebration...
I love Deola Sagoe she can hardly do any wrong where i am concerned..
Very fresh, modern vibrant great mix or fabrics... But why would she also use a similar logo on her jeans to Rock & Rebulic i am a bit disapointed there but over all fantabulous!..
OMG those shoes are something else! Like hot hot hot attention seekers. I can just imagine rocking the second pair to a wedding with a vibrabt red dress!!
hey pple our contestants have sang their r n b song pls go and vote for ur favorite...pls help us make this contest succesful by voting..tanx
hey bella tanx for all d shout outs for us o
d outfits?....tres fab!
d shoes???.....tres ridiculous!(Lol)
nice post tho bella
....something is wrong here...when did you post?!>..
ANYHOOO...deola sagoe kicks asss...loveeeee herrrrrr
Bella who modelled those shoes???!!!??? Her feet are out of this world. To be a footwear model you need to have nice pedicured feet without all the veins sticking out.
Nice post tho. Post more often!!
In 2006, I was driving my 1986 Honda Civic along the streets of Festac with some friends and they were quick to point out that I didn't get stopped by the police because of the number plate of my car. How is that, I queried? They told me that if my car plate number was FST and if the car looked very new, the police would have stopped me on the suspicion that I was a 419 perpetrator. FST as I came to know was the preference for the "yahoo boys" to show that they live in Festac Town.
In a recent radio programme that I stumbled on in Sweden, they are running a series on Lagos. The next programme will be on 30th June 2007 and they will talk more about Lagos. They have described Lagos as the most dangerous city in the world and Festac Town as the headquarters for 419 activities. Lagos is an issue on its own and the okada and the crazy transport system in Lagos really needs to be treated. I don't know if Lagos is the most dangerous city in the world. I told my wife that maybe it is New York or Johannesburg,-places I haven't been to! 419 is not a good thing but it has solved the problems of many unemployed graduates! It may have disrupted the future of many youth as well. I know a boy who dropped out of University to concentrate on 419 activities but I heard he is really broke now.
Culled from The Guardian.
Nice work Bella as per usual!!!
I love Deola Sagoe's work and I have always done....but damn can i not afford it..well now in why would i want to wear couture clothes and shoes and then be drinking garri breakfast,lunch,abd dinner...My Time never shine reach that side yet..
I agree with previous posts that the jeans do look very a la VB range jeans for Rock & Republic.
Loving those shoes though very Vivienne westwood stlye!!!...ME LIKE!!!!
Wishing Mrs Sagoe the very best for the future and more grease to her elbows!!!
stonkingly hott!!
The times review was generally annoying but Deola Sagoe was's an excerpt..
"Our designers put so many colours and textures together and make the fusion work.’ not all the designers pull off the approach, but one that does is NIGERIAN DESIGNER DEOLA SAGOE whose bright mini dresses combined figure hugging bodices with voluminous sleeves and ribbon and lace embellishment"
AT LAST, some GOOD press!! I'm thrilled!
Oh wow! Deola is so creative. Absolutely Love her work.
Gr8 post as always B.
some of the feet in the shoes look one kain
Icy clap for ya sef...hehehe.
Ladybrille you are beautiful! Love your work...
Deola is on point. Love her everything!
Deola Sagoe collection is beautiful but the shoes are tew dated, and there 2much already as her clothes are very elaborate, they take away from the outfit- fault of stylist. Jeans are good,doe I agree with the rock n republic comment, for her exports she may have too think of a more unique,fresh logo- think diesel
Overall doe, she try no bi small
Ver proud of Deola I have always mantained that she is my fave Nigerian designer. I actually own an aso-oke dress from a very old collection over about 5 yrs old. The dress and it doesnt fit anymore and what I love about her designs are all the embelishments, embroidery and detail. Really its what u pay for because its like art, the thought that goes into it makes the wearer feel special. I love all the little details that go into making a garment unique. Bravo!
How come nobody has mentioned “MO” of Canada’s next top model. She is Nigerian for God’s sake. Show some support Naija Canadians. I do not own a blog. I’m off to watch. It is on CityTV so EVERYONE can watch.
ladybrille is the coolest sister you would could meet!
we go way back!
My first time posting, hehe!!! Bella gotta say i luuuuuv ur posts and i see all my ppl wey dey 'thro-way' salute to deola, i gotta do d same to her as well and to all my other naija brothers and sisters doin' great things out dere in ur respective fields. I'm proud of y'all and proud to be Nigerian. Mwwwwwah!!!
Sorry to spoil your Fashion "buzz"
Just thot you guys shd see this ...and makesure you have ur headfones on if you are @ work...The music is bam!
Someone wrote this about them: "It ministers to the MAN in the boys and the WOMAN in the girls. And I love it. I just love it. Thank you so much for being obedient, Robert. For being an example"
sorry mehn but d footwear is mucho ugly ... lol
whats the price range on DS's things. Hate most of the shoes and I'm a shoe addict. But beautiful work on the clothes.
OMG!!I LUV DS clothes!!abeg wat r dey all sayin abt the rock n republic and victoria beckhamz jeanz!??u guyz no no be deola's logo be dat??ahah!go check her website jo!!d logo dey not really feelin d shoes tho...n if u knoe her name,"ADEOLA" no be crown e mean??The thing is that if that is deolaz logo,shud she not use it becoz it looks like victoria beckhamz??????abeg jo, luvin it!!
Hi everybody,
First of all thanks (again) to Bella for this great site (You are a star but you know that) and also a BIG Thank You to everybody who have posted very encouraging comments about Deola and her work.
Keep posted for Deola's Fashion show end of October at the VNA Museum in London with the Mayor of London Office. Free tickets will be provided for Deola Sagoe Fashionistas via Bella Naija.
For anyone interested I have added a link from Reuters with soundbites from John Legend and Deola Sagoe... Its from The Positive Rock event in South Africa June 2007 and was for Stop Aids, with other Designers such as Valentino, Kenzo, Christian Lacroix and Stoned Cherie etc:
Ps:Regarding the Crown symbol on our jeans, that reminds some people TOO much of Rock & Republic, You will see the symbol in this video as well because it is, errm OUR LOGO!!
hi bella,
I luv wat u r doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!.its so much fun.
please do more on wedding need ideas on decors.
keep up the good work.!!!!!!!
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