Hi Everyone!!!!!!!!
I was trying to ‘dodge’ doing Weekend Luv this week because I am soooo sleepy. I went to bed really early last night so I ended up waking up at 2AM. I finally went back to sleep at 5AM.
Sooooo how was your week? This week went by sooooo fast, didn’t it? Wow! Anyways, it was a fun week. I didn’t do much but I enjoyed it all the same. Here is Weekend Luv - The Red Edition
The Blogs
Mandy Brown-Ojugbana’s Blog
OMG, I am sooo excited. She sang the song ‘Taxi Driver’ back in the day. Make sure u check out her blog!
Omohemi Benson’s Blog
Pink-Satin’s Blog
Mimi’s Blog
The Clicks
You just have to visit the fabulous new Peridot & Ruby website. Luvvvvvvv it! – HERE
So I was reading a Nigerian newspaper this week and I read this story, oh my!!! It freaked me out! Nigeria scares me sometimes (the story is about a woman who claims to be a ‘mermaid’. Jesus take the wheel! - HERE
Ini Edo has been ‘banned’ from acting for a year - HERE
BabaAlaye is back in the building - HERE
Some interesting interviews below:
Miss La Casera

World Miss University (Nigeria)

Prettiest Girl in Nigeria (LOL at the numerous beauty pageants in Nigeria)

Model, Theodora Dike

Genevieve Magazine Editor/Publisher, Betty Irabor’s 50th birthday was some weeks ago. She held a huge soiree at the Civic Centre. Here are some exclusive pics. Uber fab! The theme of the party was red and gold.

The Hits
A dear reader emailed me this link yesterday, it’s a Yoruba love song. Luv it!
See President Bush trying to give us some African dance moves. LMAO. Jesus take the wheel.
The ever-popular, Throw Some Ds Naija Style (Thanks Omolabake)
Mona featured it on her blog as well. Hella funny!
*Please do not use any photos from bellanaija without permission and/or a link stating bellanaija as the source
That's it! Come back early on Monday! I have something utterly fabulous planned.
Have a great weekend.....
anon u don't count, so just you vamoose from this place. I am first
sit accross, u bettersit closer!!
hurrat for the anons.
anon10:19 carry go jo
bella, pls dont get tired o, i can sense its getting harder to keep up with the demand... pls get guest columnists jo
but let them be like u, we really dont want to hear ur personal sob stories(e.g. i now live in uk/us, i think im gay,gay is cool, were!)
no, this is a an entertaining,educative,informative,motivational,inspirational lifestyle mag-get it???
bella pls reply o, u know this blog is the beginning of a wonderful thing, God 'll be ur strenght love ya
THIS is sooo cool.."bounsing in my modafoc..g toYOtA"
this guy got some razz skills, cut him tryng not to break into pasuma wonder!
i'm surprised he didnt crack up.good one
btw, lol at kofo- "sit accross, u bettersit closer!!"
I rarely comment but just had to, I love this song. It is right up there with Oloun Mi. Considering that my yoruba is struggling, I am quite impressed that I understood most of it without reading the subtitle. You know how I feel about you and ur blog...love u and it!
Betty Irabor looks fabulous....
nice post..as usual!and eeeeeeeeeeee i am 7th lol(but thats a god postion considering the fact that it is bellas page)
and oh bella tanx 4 advertsing my page-lol
LOL @ the anons fighting for first position!
Cheers Bella for the post. Betty Irabo looks fab! I should ask her what the secret to her youthful looks are.
I love that Yoruba love song. It is so sweet and meaningful. Have a great weekend Bella!
The "mammy-water" story doesn't make sense. It is creepy too!
George Bush can't dance!
LOL @ ist annonymous.. is it that serious... i was lmao at the comment!!!
Lmao, no u did not say Jesus take the wheel!!!....hehehehe, meanwhile...need to check out that throw some D's video...hehe, and as for President Bush...LoL, that's the American president oooo.....and Betty Irabor is wearing Deola Sagoe...soo fab!!....
XxOkay, bye bye babyxX
d mermaid story was hilarious but CREEPY!
hilarious in d sense that it sounds like evry other "mamiwata" story i heard back in elementary school in naija...no difference at all.
creepy in d sense that i dont kno if its a hoax or not....but u all have got 2 agree with me that many naija folks wouldnt mind tellin major lies just 2 get attention.
pls wats miss campus university..abi wat did they call it??? wats really up wit naija and its pageants????..they're really startin 2 look/sound like a big joke.
"Banning" Ini Edo from acting because of "gross misconduct," "indiscipline" and "outright violation of professional duties"? What utter rubbish,stupidity and nonsense on the part of the "banners." Attempt to ban for "indecent dressing." Not crazy about Ini's dressing but come again??? What were Omotola, RMD and Genevieve's crimes when they got banned? Since when did the "banners" become the fashion police? What legitimate movie industry do you hear of them banning actress/actors for what they wear. There are no details for the factual basis of the "ban." This oshi is getting too much. The unfettered control by self proclaimed so called Nollywood watchdogs is out of control and unreal! By the way, what training/skills have been provided for stylist, costume makers or makeup artist to get Nollywood talents all prettied up? What about the Wardrobe budget? Does it even exist? Utter ridiculous nonsense,rubbish and stupidity and the idiocy of a "ban," especially on foolish irrational basis ought to stop! Who died and gave anyone the right to "ban" actresses/actors from earning their livelihood. I vex well well for this noisense!
betty irabor lloks nice for someone who is turning 50. good for her. & the mermaid thing was just scary i swear. I read it somewhere before & i found it hard to believe that it was real. & y bother banning ini-edo again??
Lol at the Obesere selling crack and buying a "classic" Toyota Corolla...
On the flip side, what makes the "crack" sale business and rap business so appealing/inspiring to youths who want to "make it". Can anyone help me out here?
Betty Irabor looks amazing for a woman who just turned 50!
Is 'taxi driver' the song that goes 'if you marry taxi driver, I don't care....'?
thanks Bella for the shout out!!!
and betty looks amazing!!!
and that throw some Ds on it guy...he gives me confusing reactions, dont know whether to laugh or cry!
Thanks for all the info Bella..
Love Mandy's blog...my claim to fame of knowing a celebrity..lol...she sings in the choir @ my church.
Yeah man..saw Betty Irabor's birthday on TV..damn it those old folks had so so much fun.
Anyways hurry up sha...i'm looking forward 2 Monday.
Seriously loving the yoruba love song! Nice one!!
Can't believe that is T doing the black Jesus thing...LOL! Never would have guessed, he is actually quite quiet. LOL!
Sola Allison's "Eji Owuro" has been around for a while. 'Nice to hear it again after a few years. Betty Irabor looks totally it. For those of you itching to know the secret, my take would be her happy marriage...amongst all others like the great genes and all.
The mermaid story definitely dates back to high school tales like 'madam koikoi' and 'hot hand'.Good luck to the lady and take note Bill Gates.
Fab read of your work, missy!!
I don't even know how I found your blog but I'm adding it to my roll because I need to keep in touch with what's going down in Nigeria and you seem o be in the know!
Great photos, great themes, great everything. Just peachy.
Banners club..thats so annoying. Can they at least say what she did.
That fuji guy is too funny!
Mehnn..Bella, that 'mamiwata' story freaked me out. Just had to stop reading it. geeeeeeeez!!
BTW, Betty = Fantabulous!!
Betty Irabor is 50 and simply gorgeous. She almost looks better than me... almost! Ha!
Betty Irabor can get it!! What?? She is stunning!!. i totally think 30 is the new 50, If that's the picture of 50 I am not afraid. God bless her!
I cant believe that woman is 50...she looks terrific!
Betty is gorgeousssssssssss
The throwin Ds guy is toooo funny!
Nice One
Hi Bella,
This is the first time i am droppinga comment on your site.
Absolutely luv the site. I am really luving the Yoruba luv song.
hahahahah oh my gosh Bella hahah Mammy water.. My gosh this here is the funniest thing I have ever heard.. Only in Naija for real! ah mean damn!
also used to have fish scales on my legs, because that was the most potent weapon I used to attract people to me, because they said I have fine legs, even up to my body.
There’s a way you will look at my body, and it will be different from what you used to see. There is this friend of mine that has everything that every man wants, but if we walk together, they don’t even look at her, they look at me. She would wonder what they saw in me, but I told her that she wouldn’t understand. I told her that if I should come to earth in my marine form, she will know she’s nowhere near me at all.
Betty and Sonny Irabor... Hmmmmmmn - good marriage sweet o!
Abi i lie, Bella?
@truth did u attend secondary school in the East? If yes! that's cool! Because secondary schools in the East, especially, the boarding houses were fun and there were so many happenings and tales to tell.
Nice one!
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