I can’t believe that it’s been so long!
I have MISSED u guys…I mean it…sincerely
Honestly sometimes, I would just get this feeling….u know the type of feeling u get when u r missing a good friend…yeah…but then I realized, I missed blogging, as in, I missed u guys!
All the comments and craziness! The whole shebang.
But I just had to take a break.
Work was exhausting me, and then having to stay up late at night to blog was just too much.
Plus I hadn’t had a real holiday in about 2 years so I just needed a break and I got one.
It was amazing!
I had a fab time with my family and friends.
Spending time with them made me love them even more….
When I was in uni, I used to go to Nigeria every summer and xmas - during that time, I would go out nearly everyday. There was even a holiday that I spent in naij that I saw my Dad once in the 3 weeks that I was there!
I guess with age and wisdom, priorities change because I made sure I spent enough time with my family (u know I still went out tho….just a lil lol)
Anyways, I am back and thankful to u guys for being so patient.
2008 will be a fabulous year for us all!
All our dreams, aspirations and plans for the year will come to fruition AMEN.
Meanwhile, my ears are bleeding from all the salacious gist my friends have been giving me about their holidays…..Hmmm all of u should start confessing. Who engaged in some Lagos holiday romance….hhaha
You know u did, spot hiding your face from the computer…I see u! lol
Well, I hope you enjoyed yourself because sorry to break it to you, chances are it wont work.
Naaa I’m just being mean, ok…it might work.
How about all the weddings? I don’t know if it’s the age that we are at but people seem to be getting married at an alarming rate. I might join them soon hmmmm
Anyway, enough of my musing!
This year will be AMAZING by God’s grace.
I have compiled a BellaNaija Hot List to kick things off for the New Year.
Don’t worry, juicier things are on the way. MUAH!
The IT Girl - Dakore Egbuson

The Spot - Volar Ok, if you were in Lagos over the last month, you must be familiar with the name Volar. Great crowd, lush interior....luv it! Lets just hope it lasts in the fickle world of Lagos nightlife.
The Hit - Yahooze & Do Me
From young to old, rich to not-so-rich, everyone cant get enough of the Yahooooze fever. Now if only we could figure out what kamakaze on a kendro level means?!
How could I forget P-Square's Do Me? After their success with 'Bizzy Body', few expected that P-Square would unleash another megahit so soon. I lovvvve this song. One dude was trying to convince me that this song is about female empowerment....as in what a man can do, a woman can do.....rightt! lol
The New Kid - Shank

This song is SICK! I literally cannot sit still when I hear it. Chinedu Naze better known as Shank is the New Kid. The first artist from Starville Entertainment....
All we hope is that Shank keeps lacing the hot tunes and we'll keep shaking that booty & ting.
The Read - The Mrs. Club & A Woman Scorned

The Movement - TED Africa

The world's greatest thinkers (including you and me), getting together, exchanging ideas for a better present and future. I am proud of the fact that I was a TEDAfrica fellow last year and gain inspiration from other TEDizens daily! Come join us.
The Man - Toyin Subair

According to Toyin, he was 'jumping' buses less than a decade ago. He is now the CEO of Hi-TV which won a tough battle with DSTV for the right to air UK Premier league matches live in Nigeria. Inspiring? Without a doubt! Toyin is the man!
TY Bello. Photographer, Makeup Artist, Film Director, Musician (Dont you just love Greenland?), Mother to be?. Nuff Said. TY is the woman!
The Look - Folake Folarin
When Tiffany Amber's Folake Coker decided to create a new more exclusive line, many were not sure what to expect. What she came up with a line of gorgeous dresses with figure flattering cuts in extra luxe jewel-toned fabrics. Fab.
The Mag - SLEEK Magazine
The Show - Deal or No Deal Nigeria

The Rising Star - ISIS

The Event - The Future Awards...
2 years after the kickoff ceremony, the Future Awards is still gaining momentum. It has gained more credibility and celebrity support. With the 3rd edition coming up this weekend, the Future Awards 2008 is set to be HOT!
Bella Naija Hot List I
Bella Naija Best of 2006
Bella Naija Hot List II
That's it.
I'm soooo happy I finally blogged!
Now that's out of the way, have a great weekend....
Let us know what u think
I'll see u next week....unfailingly lol
Jesu!!!!!!!!! I cnt believe im first..lol
wow!!!this is my lucki day..oya make i go read..looks like a nice post alreadi
welcome back b...i definitely missed you...do u have d links to deal or deal so folks outside of 9ja can watch it
YEIIII!!!!! I am the third.. I missed your blog Bella. Thanks for the hot list like your seriously keeping me 'current' on 9ja affairs. Thanks!
Here's my new blog:
Please may you add to the links on your page?
BELLAAAA U know i just had that feeling u wud blog today i hav been checking all day which i dont do normally since u went on holiday- btw u dont know me lol im a fan mwahahaha lol not a fanatic fan but more like an admirer...pls dont go again ohh!! I spent too much time on facebook!
Welcome back! you've been thoroughly missed.
Yaaaay Bella is back.. Chic.. Do you understand how this hurts. lol Lovely read all hot info.
Hey B!
Na wa o! U finally remembered us :) Welcome back. Luving the hot list. I hope you had a truly relaxing time in Naija. So shey we dey drop the "a" 4 Naija now? Just say "Naij" . . . I can't keep up with the slangology. .Lol!
Have a great weekend.
Bella is baaaaaaaaaaack! woooohooo!
I am feeling this HOT LIST and most especially The Mrs. Club~
The book launching is in Lagos on the 20th of January.
If you want to get on that media-filled guest list.
Shoot me an emaiiilll!
Wow Bella, great that you mentioned Ekene Onu, the babe is definitely going places. Please believe iiiittttttttt~!
Bella welcome. Nno. Holiday gi di nu mma o kwa ya? Nne. jisie ike. It is good that u are back.
Pls keep the carpets rolling ... way 2 go!!!
It took me tree tries to finally post, I'm supposed to be first,
loved, loved, loved your post, we missed you something terrible.
Happy New-Year
Welcome back bella! I have missed u! Good post as always...give us some of the jist from Xmas now...
My boredorm was crazy... ur blog cures that...Welcome back. Happy New Year. A well deserved break rite spending time with family and friends.
OMGGGGGGGGG....Bellllaa in backkkk
Bella how could u not mention "DO ME' that ong was everywhere in naija during the holidays o
Thanks for the comments!!
I've missed y'all!
@anonymous - u know what, u r sooo right, I was going to mention it but got sidetracked...I'll modify,- the hit to include it. Thanks!
Happy New YEar Bella!!
HAvent heard of "The Mrs Club" but I'm off to google it right away. Bimbylads write up on the other hand is thrilling.
.....and bella is back with a bang!! luvs it!!
i see Kristin on d cover of sleek. i think she graced d very first cover. if ur wondering who, she is d light skinned chick with blood red lipstick on.
hmm!! dakore is getting it.
watelse...oh!! p square, they'r just d shit..xcuse my french.
my friends have been tellin me abt d julie song so im glad i get 2 hear it on here. will get back with a feedback.
good job bella and the crew!!
Nice list!
Nice to have you back!
Welcome back Bella. Always nice to read your enries.
Don't take this the wrong way.... You mentioned being too tired to blog.
If you are too tired to blog just don't. You're not getting paid to do it. Life is too short. Just blog when you can. Blogging is meant to be enjoyable and not a chore. Your day job is your real job. Take it easy, it seems you're trying to live up to all the pressures from the 'readers' which is kinda absurd.
Chioma, Hertfordshire
Thank you for taking time out to blog even when u r tired. It shows u acknowledge ur readers.
Anyway, welcome back! good to know u had a nice one.
Nonu, Bella Have a blessed filled New 2008, Keep filling us with the gists and the slangs. Your blog to nigerians abroad is a blessing in itself.
Bella Happy New Year but I can't believe SLEEK made your list. Has the writing improved? The last time I bought that mag, I was embarrassed by the low level writing skills. The pictures are ok but I also want to know if they get paid for all those Oyibo adverts or are they just posing.
Welcome back Bella.
I missed sneaking off to read your blog while at work.
Bells welcome back. Hope you had a great holiday.
she is back......
Welcome back Bella and happy new year
Welcome Back Bella!!!
OMG Thank God you are back Bella! Missed u so much.... i have been checking on.. hoping your holiday was over (selfish hun :).... hope u enjoyed urself..
thanks!!!...the hotlist has definitely cured my friday boredom.
U forgot to include this on the hotlist
THE BLoG: Bella Naija!!!!
"the rising star" lady looks very good. i luv her foto. "the women" on the other hand needs to tackle her eyebrow. they are too bushy and does not complement the photoshoped hair and face. there's something unusual about it.
Bella is bak!
taink God ure well rested now@
Luffin d hot list..haven't heard of sleek mag tho.
welcome back bella...
Def Yahooze and Do Me are the songs that ended the yr with a bang. I fell in love with P-squared in december (esp their "No One Be Like You" song...lol...romantic).
Hmmm...lemme check out the news on Deal or no deal Nigeria! Always love ur updates, def missed reading u...
Na Wa O! This 2008 is going to be my year O! I made Bella's Hot list! What! Bella thanks so much for the shout out! The book is coming out feb/mar, however there are some underground copies circulating sha...and the response has been great. My people, this year pursue your dreams, don't wait, I believed in myself and though I'm just beginning, I firmly believe everyone has the power to make things happen! Love Ekene.
Happy new year!!!!
Do me is insaneeeeeeee - bought the cd after 10 mins of listening to the song.
hey chik..missed ya n ur juicy gist blogging. the hot list is really hot! I love love love Ty Bello she is indeed the woman of the moment!
glad to know ur hols rocked..mine did as well.I jus luv xmas in nig.
Welcom back, girl!!
Heard u were doing "stealth visiting" during ur time here, lol..
Love the HotList: Dakore is so cool, I just LOVE her!! P-Square's Do Me is now on constant rotation in my car after initially hatin' it, lol. Ermm...I'm wonderin' why I'm not on the list sef? I have to up my hot factor for this year, abi, lol?
Welcome back hon...that Yahoooze tune is off the hook, i mean in terms of rythm and it being catchy..
Listened to TyBello's album the other day..took a while to like it.. but i love it now... she is very talented.
happy new year and welcome back...great list...
OK when Genevieve Magazine writers enter here and start writing "interesting", Bella you don land well well!
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