Hey y'all so the highly anticipated bloggers feature in True Love WA, by Ebun Olatoye is here!!...LoL, Bella is still very much incognito...but has a very sweet interview along with the bloggers who inspired her to start, Adaure and Taureanminx. As well as Bimbo Lads, and Mona!! ENJOY!! 
Feature on Bella of Bella Naija

Adaure Achumba of According to Adaure

Feature on Bella of Bella Naija

Adaure Achumba of According to Adaure

I hope y'all enjoyed it?..and what do you think of their interviews?!....As i'm sure, Bella is...I'm "proud" of them, Don't they look gorgeous as well?!! Hurray!! for bloggers!!
P.S; Don't forget to wish Bella a happy one year anniversary and send your well wishes for her birthday on July 26th, by the 25th to info@fashionnigeria.com {So she doesn't see it}
And to those in the United States of America, It's independence day today!!! How do you plan on enjoying a free day off work?!!!
P.S; Don't forget to wish Bella a happy one year anniversary and send your well wishes for her birthday on July 26th, by the 25th to info@fashionnigeria.com {So she doesn't see it}
And to those in the United States of America, It's independence day today!!! How do you plan on enjoying a free day off work?!!!
this cant b happening..am i first??? ehh
lol lol *dances around* yahhh!!! am first oya lemme go nd read
wow!! i think am joining blogsville soon..lawl..ive bin inspired..gud work ladies..nd i must comment too we have pretty chiquitos in blogsville oo..ini edo is also looking fab..keep up the gud work..nd happi one year anniversary to bola..love ur blog
*am stil first wow dis must b my lucky day..lawl*
its bimby lads, great spread on the bloggers tho, all my fav bloggers...good job gurlies!
Nice article by True Love. Very humble of Bella to remain semi-anonymous. Bella your blog is great. Your deep fashion and writing interests are a complete contrast to you being an analyst though.
Would have been great to have had LondonBuki included that article. LB, if you're reading this, your blog is an inspiration.
Happy anniversary Bella.
nice one we would have loved to see naijagal on there. who is she?
Ohhhhhhh, I never kneww Bimb Lads was who she iss...YaY!!! she went to my highschool...whoop, whoop!!...and Mona is a fellow MACcite....exciting stufff
very nice!!!
Great job Bella, you're quite humble, I'd have never guessed you lived in Canada, how do you keep up?! Hopefully you'll be here and bigger when I need you to promote my idea =)
TMinx looks different in this picture sha. Maybe it's cos she's not showing her pearly whites lol
Aramide aka Mona....I know that chick! lol
Adaure...your own na testimony, love how you turned a hobby into a job referral tool...that's what's up
Give it up for the babes of blogsville - yay!! I'm smiling because even the name "Blogsville" has been documented now. I reckon this feature will inspire many more people to take up blogging. Who knows where it will lead? Nigerian bloggers could become a force to be reckoned with.
You are doing a good job holding Bella's blog down. The writeups are cool! Blogging is NOT easy, esp. when you have a captive audience. You have to have a passion for what you do to keep it going. Naija blogs I enjoy and visit often are Toni Payne and Linda Ikeji[she is so dedicated posting so many times a day!]. I just discovered T-minx and I like! To all bloggers, keep up the excellent work and Bella, keep it coming. Bon Anniversaire mademoiselle!
I love IT girls. So geeky yet so chic and most important so PAID. And it shows. I am sure with this technology, one day the weave queens will be able to buy their hairlines back.
Great work Bella; still loving your blog and the True Love WA feature was hot. Would like to interview you sometime in the future; no pressure!!! So I have never made it to first comment yet (watch out guys), maybe I'll get the first exclusive interview where you actually reveal more than just "Bella"...(LOL) I totally love the blog, well done and lots of kudos to you.
Wow, I'm glad I have finally seen the interview, good job girls!
I can tell you I look NOTHING like that now lol. Europeee ohhhh.... *shakes her head going to look for a salon*
yeeeeee!! see my fat cheeks!! lol.. great work bella! u never fail to deliver...!! well done to all of you who made Truelove!
I'm loving it and you ladies look very nice.
Happy one year Bella
Awwww My head is seriously swelling here. I am so proud of you ladies. Adaure and Bella are the blogs I read the most. I'm about to join the TMinx Bimbs Bang wagon..
CONGRATS LADIES.. you look awesomely fabulous. RAWK ON BELLA... You're a total star... Now move this to print so we can have achieves abeg :) scrolling back 365.. not easy o :)
WOW!!!..well done girlies...really proud of ya'lll..Dammie I can't believe u clocked that slow sha...your Senior Bimbo has been called bimbylads ur whole spell in VF....anyways...well done again all!!!
well done...your chief commenter salutes ya'll.
Bella why are u now hiding your face now...don't worry we know u now!!!...lol
I am keeping a copy of the mag. Great begining for bloggers,blogging is going places.
hello bella pls could u tell me the venue for the shakira show? am very anxious cos i really want to c her.want to join blogsville but still thinking about it.we"ll see.lol
no guys to profile? awwwwww. anyway congrats to all the fine sisis on display, including u bella. great source of entertainment, keep it up
Like they say in Greek, Ευτυχής επέτειος και πολλά περισσότερα θαυμάσια προσεχή έτη, Bella Naija. Συγχαρητήρια!
which translates to 'Happy Anniversary and many more wonderful years ahead, Bella Naija. Congratulations!'
I'm so proud of the female bloggers, looking mushy lushy :)
awwwwwwwwwww see the beautiful ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its so good to finally place a face to those names (well except for those ones we knew before!)
Congratulations! Bella.
When I 1st heard of the article, and I bought the copy of the magazine, the 1st person, I wanted to see was YOU! yes you bella naija, only for my hopes to be dashed! :-(
but its all good, am proud of our ladies and every blogfam.
We can only get better.
Well done as usual.
Proud of all my sistas doing big things, and as dey say here in london, BIG UP!!!!! Bella, i wuz actually lookn forward to putn a face to d name but respect ur wish 2 stay anonymous, just keep blogging o!!!! Mwah Mwah Mwah to d beautiful ladies of blogville!!
Great post! Bella you're a class act. Kudos to you and all the ladies profiled in the True Love article. I'm a die-hard fan of Addy's blog as well...so big up, sistahs!
nice one BN...altho this TL WA put some of my responses differently o.....not necessarily what they seem.....ah well that's magazines for u I guess....Tminx also says the same on her blog hmmmm
I couldn't care if the case was different but it's good to see you are all good looking.Lol.
Don't forget to put this in your CV especially if it's a little scanty in other areas...lol
To all celebrated and uncelebrated July bloggers, lots of huggies and *muah*s!
even if i stalk this blog, I never be the first to comment. Anyway, it's good that bloggers are being appreciated and noticed.
Great job bella and congrats ladies. you all look great in the photos. Way to represent blogsville! Bella keep doing your thing!
i just loveeeeeee tminx and bimbylads!!! they're both sooo gorgeous.. mona is a beauty as well.. loved the interviews.. dont know if i've ever read adaure's blog... but she seems to have a really good head on her shoulder... i think they misinterpreted tminx's 'marriage' to babaalaye though... but other than that.. its all goodl... i love it... happy aniversary bella you anonymous you.. lol. ROCK ON GORGEOUS BLOGVILLE LADIES!
wow, great stuff guys!
looking so pretty too.
That was so cute.................am happy. Hurray. Happy july 4th ya all.
Very nice, but where are the Male bloggers???
So proud of you bimby!
Tminx and Mona keep up the good work!
Happy Anniversary to bella too.
Thanks @ LadyBrille!!
LoL, asin Dimples...I'm quite slowww....hehehehe, I started screaming AFTER i blogged about it....lol, I had been looking at those pictures for a while now!!...and where were u yesterdayyy?..no commenting?! got me ALLL paranoid!!
@Anonymous 12.18pm, The Shakira event will be held at 'The new Thisday event center in Lagos' If I get more info on the address, I'll be sure to pass it on!!
Awww, check out all dem beaurrrrriiifulllll ladies. Y'all make us proud. Great, great, great!
Overwhelmed, you've never read Adaure's blog? Oya quick quick go an catch up - it is very entertaining!
Wasn't sure i wanted to buy the True Love but when i saw that there was an article on our bloggers, i couldn't resist.
Love that Bella kept her anonymity - we all still have something to ponder on.
kudos to adaure, bimbylads, taurean minx, aramide and of course Bella!
...and yeah, it comes at such a great time - celebrating Bella's first anniversaty on blogsville...
congratulations ladies...
we are so proud....
i think this is a pic of bella naija
looks like the pic on her voicemail
happy july 4th ...
Wow! Guys this is trully Fantastic!.. Blogville has Made True Love WA...
You Ladies look Fabby! Well done!
You Beatiful Ladies Have Represented and all of your Blogs are truly Amazing!..
Well Done Bella Your Blogs Rocks! As usual.. Where else would i see all this..
Would have loved to see Naija Vixen and London Buki up there also..
Ciao Sweeties...xx
Congrats to everyone featured on the spread...everyone looked nice aswell!
her pic... i think....lol
and the flood gates were opened to any and all new bloggers...
there goes the tranquility of blogville
Yippie to my Addy girl and the rest of you ofcourse!!!
23 yrs old??? So it's a kiddo that's rockig the house? Anyway I'll give it to you Bella cos you come off more matured; not all those pikines that think owning an apartment automatically translate to maturity, see what your mate is doing..lol...it's what's inside.
HOLY SHIT. BIMBYLADS IS A PHUCKING BABE...no wonder we jell like peanut butter and jelly...
Get your nyash to Canada straight away!!!!!!!!!!!!
awww look at tminx and bimby!
u guys look off d chain!
truth be told im so jealous of u(bad belle). yours was the first nigerian blog i ever came across, i visit regularly but never leave a message.
you do have a wonderful blog maybe even the best nigerian blog. you are practically a star, how does that make u feel.
i was hoping to see a picture of u.
take care and dont stop
So proud of you girls. Well done..
Good on u girls!!! I love creative ppl, and blogging i say is one of the most creative way of expressing yourself. So proud of you. Bella, i have to give u props here, for your consistent professional attitude towards blogging, u go girl!!
i love naijaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
naija 4 laif man.
keep doing ur thang bella, in btw u girls rawk ahn ahn wetin!!!!!
bimbylads is soo stunning... especially when you compare it to what she writes and how she writes, u will never expect her to be sooo fyne!! damn!! no offence bimbylads, i love ur blogs, u r so humble in not charaterizing on ur beauty. u r stunning. I love Aramides smile too..
tminx rawks... aduare is lovely.. Rawk on bella!
anonymous 11:20 you are such a piss of shit!why the insults....who the hell are you!that is so uncalled off!i bet u look like somoene a trailer ran over!bella pls delete the comment jare!all this stupid faceless anonymouses!cowards oshi!
thank God bella u have deleted that silly anonymous comment!
Thanks Anon(1.10am) and AbujaBabe :-)
Ladies - You all look gorgeous! :-)
People I know are featured in a magazine... woohoo! I want a copy of True Love so I can frame the article and put it up for all to see. LOL!
Well done girls. Very inspiring!
Pink Satin take a deep breathe....good girl.since the anon comment has been deleted your comment seems a bit misplaced now...lol; like it was for another blog.
Not as anon as the anon *wink*
aww ada looks soo cute in that picture. couldnt really read the text seeing as my eyes are like that of a 90yr old woman but im sure yall represented..
Hi can someone please tell me how to get a copy of the true love in the US? Thanks
That's really nice that True Love would do that.
...I echo anon, how can I get TrueLove stateside?
Congratulations ladies....i am so proud of you all!!!
Keep up the good work bella....like i have said in the past, You are definately going places darling!!!
Happy anniversaries...missed you in June
Thanks Bella! U r simply d best! U see why our love for you will never ever grow cold? U always deliver. Happy Anniversary! I'm off to read the True Love articles now.
awwwwww....i loved this edition. Bella u're just the best!!!!!! See all the fine naija babes repping blogsville....i'm sooo proud!!! lolllll...
Tres chic.....thumbs up peeps
when is the next naija blogger edition hitting the news stand? we need to see more of you folks. Hm Taureen Mix hmm if only I never get babe I for find you come o!. You are my spec.
Damn why am I always late?!!!..and those vendors came to sell that true love to me when I was in traffic last week and I just waved the guy away...lol.
Anyway, congrats!!!! I'm so so proud of you all!!! Everyone was looking rather "gawjus"!!!
Bella baby you put up pictures of other bloggers but never your's. Eeh! Nne kedu kwanu nke bu nke gi. Menu ka anyi hu omalicha iru gi. Abi i lie? Sweetheart. Do this thing, biko. Upon all your hard work we need to see the person behind the scenes. Ah! don't let this your suspense put us off o! abeg nu!
Nne jisie ike. Ka o diba ubochi ozo. I no say u bi Igbo ... if not pls get a translator ... yeah. Take care, baby. Ciao!
hi bella,i've heard so much about u and i eventually read ur interview in true love. i must say i'm quite impressed, pls keep it up
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