I’m back!!!
First up, thanks sooooo much to my guestbloggers – TC, Adaure, Dammie, Don Chi and Icy…Much luv! Thanks for helping out, I owe u one!
I have missed u guys madly!!!
I have been wanting to blog since I got back on Monday night but I have been so exhausted!
My trip was utterly fab…
I am sooooo glad I went! I will have to make a return trip to DC/Maryland ASAP!...
I didn’t even end up going ‘out’ as in clubbing or anything like that but I still had mad fun!
I met loads of people so that was really cool…I also had some very funny experiences..
Let me give you guys some tidbits…
As in, I usually go to New York whenever I go to the states so I am kinda used to NY guys and their madness
I didn’t know that DC guys were on the same page o
I was downtown DC (I think its downtown anyway…I’m talking about where the white house, congress building etc are) so I was waiting for my ride to pick me up so I decided to walk around….
I went to the congress building, there was this police officer there, in uniform and everything o! so dude was like
‘hi, do u have any questions?’….I was like ‘nooooo’…
before I knew it, he was like
‘what is your name?’…
‘do you want to go for dinner?’
‘take my number and I’ll give u a free tour!’….
LOL..I was stunned..
Anyway, walking back, guys would just randomly say things like
‘damn you are fine’
‘you are one attractive young lady’
I just had to start laughing…
By the way, I was dressed very simply, as in no booty or boobs hanging out….lol..
The final straw was when one dude in a CLS waved to me, the way the dude waved…I thought ‘oh maybe I know him’, I just smiled and kept on walking…do you know that this guy drove around the block! Caught up to me walking and said we ‘must!’ go for dinner…lol…he was a really cute African-American dude + smelled really nice (lol)…I didn’t give him my number tho lol…
There is lots more gist from my DC/MD trip but we’ll stop with this…
So the morale of my story is ladies, if u r looking for a man, go to DC…lol
I am glad to be back tho…
Here is this True Love photo feature on women who run night clubs in Nigeria.
I really luv it because it’s a gutsy move for any woman in Nigeria where any women in the spotlight becomes the victim of incessant gossip and endless drama…
Nice one ladies, I am proud of u…I added Maeva Taiwo from Tanjia because she deserves a place on the list.

Booky Younatie – Kileleyio

Catherine Effiong – Saga VIII

Louise Priddy – Bacchus/6 Degrees North

Maeva Taiwo – Tanjia
Maeva is originally from Tahiti and is married to Ladi Taiwo
So what do you think?
am first! welcome back lady! wow! this is so inspiring how come we did not meet ? lol
aaaaaaaaayy welcome back.. Thanks for having me o jare.. I enjoyed posting on Bella.. Me sef i can brag and say " I was on Bella's Blog.. das jes sexy lol! Yah DC men hmp!!...Big ass flirts the tin no pass one day jare lol! Good place for a "girl feel good all damn day" on th guys attention tip... fine ppl plenty DC o.. I wanna hear more stories sha :)
Nice write up on the ladies am bout to go read it.
Ha', Bella...you sounded like women are running out of stock in DC! Well, I'm sure ya fine azzzz got d whole Congress & da White House buzzing...anywayz, sha...ur post on d the nightclubbing execs was a good read. Ima' check out dem klubs, mos def!! Welcome back!!!
i can see u really had mad fun.
I read this true love issue and was quite impressed esp with Catherine Effiong – Saga VIII
who is young. Louise Priddy – Bacchus/6 Degrees North- looks very beautiful, r those her eyes for real(i think it is blue??)
Ahhh...welcome back!! I really like today's post! Good to see women in a field dominated by men!!
Catherine Effiong running Saga VIII @the age of 21 is pretty amazing!!
And Louise Priddy is really pretty! (no pun intended!)
Glad 2 know u had fun, I have missed ur posts!
LOL @ the guys in DC, I guess u fine like that now, lol
Loving this post too, keep them coming!
na wa ya oh!tell the gurls which cream u take rub body that day!!!!ehen na d CLS interest me!didnt u c any women driving a CLS that were chasing a black man!!
pls let me know
welcome back!
Didnt Maevo Taiwo have a spread in the magazine? We want to read about Tanjia and not just see her pic.
Louise rocks. She's the best! Maeva actually grew up in Monaco. I love seeing women do well in the business world.
@naijagal - thanks girl! maybe i'll see you nexttime
@icy - thanks girl..lol...i am glad u helped me out
@angie - thanks girl, tehy r contacts
@Confessions of a moody crab - i am proud of her too
@ Biodun - lol...thanks girl..i think the guys r just kinda aggressive
@mobolaji - lol..u know my swagger now...lol
@fine gal - Maeva was not included in the True Love feature...
I added her pic because I think she deserves a place on the list
@anonymous - yeah she lived in Monaco, she and her husband got married there as well...her dad runs most of the hotels there
@everyone - thanks for the comments! its good to be back!
welcome back. I love love seeing successful women in any field so I love this post!
Welcome baaaaaaaaaacccckkkkkkkkkkk, LoL!
missy...i see the american men showed you mad luv lol. Welcome back oh.
I'm in the DC area o, and I still never catch one fish. :(
I'm glad you had fun.
Nice feature on the club owners.
Welcome back. If you think DC men are something, come to Baltimore.
This is really cool well done!
welcome back!! 21 yr old Catherine is amazing, she must be full of energy.
It's really great to have you back...Also, i must commend u for allowing guest bloggers on yours! Dat was damn courageous... ask me later why! Lol
Your gist was interesting, we need more.....
Is it just me that thinks that Louise Priddy and Jodie Marsh were separated at birth!
You deleted my post yesterday Bellanaija but I understand.I guess my thoughts ran away with me and I forgot this wasn't a discussion forum.Are we cool now?
its very dissapointing to know that Naijas sometimes settle and flock to things that are sub par..
I honestly do not see why people go to Bacchus, the place is a death trap. I went there once (even though I had fun) but made a mental note not to return. The reason being if god forbid anything were to pop off in that place life a fire, I really dont see anyone getting out alive.
There is one exit way and my goodness, if you have ever been to one of those caves during halloween hunt, its that narrow..
Well the day I went was suppoedly "not packed" we were upstairs and I basically had to sit on the couch cos I couldnt dance comfortably.. now my take was if its packed nko.. wot do you do? Another thing that got me was why everyone insisted on being upstairs when there was a little bit more room downstairs..
Supposedly the "area boys" hang out downstairs and its better for us ladies to be upstairs... Sighs, Naija!... anyhoo they need to handle that place and provide a sensible exit way for people in case of an emergency...
If the fire marshall went there that place would be shut down in a heartbeat..
Saga8 on flipside is one of the nicest restaurant bars Ive been to in NIG. I absolutely love the decor.. I heard there is a new one called La Casa, havnt been yet but will do next time Im in town.
I've been thinking of where to visit - DC it is - LOL. Good to hear you're back.
Bella Naija, u didn't share those other police officer/CLS/dinner gist with me when we chatted. Nice idea though
Thank you for so much for your comment and take care Bella
Maeva Taiwo (TANJIA)
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