The event was sponsored by Guinness.
Check out the pics


Weird MC and Kemistry

Rest of the guests

So what do you think?
Do you think this album will be as hot as the last?
On a side note, what do u think this dude is saying?

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I am first!!!
The guy is toasting the girl of course, lol
He is saying to her so C, we can go over to my place after this party, 4 the after-party n the girl is smiling @ him, thinking see this ode, lol
I love that chick's braids :)
I haven't listened to his new album yet, but the singles I heard werent as nice as his other album's singles though, but I need to listen 2 the whole thing b4 I make any fair judgement though.
He's saying, "Girl I wanna have more babies than 2Face and you can be all they mamas."
LOL -- hope y'all understand me.
the dude is saying" be-be..u see i have houses in london, newyork, germany etc. i will give u the world if u will only be mine.infact one of my containers just arrived now worth 20 million
I aven't heard his new album yet.
Im not concerned with what the guy is saying o!
if you click on the pic and expand it, you will notice the chick behind on the left is saying something that must be HOT Gossip.
Now thats what i wanna know.
Nice one Bella
i think the album might be good...heard one track off it n i quite liked it...well we have to wait and see!
the baby behind them is so cute!lol..well done bella! u
Funny tho' sumthin' I noticed in these pics...why do Nigerian men have a metrosexual 70ish fashion sense? Is this a fallout from London boys - tight fitting tops, pants & afros....and the women, gawd leave!...they are as crass as you can get; wearing all the wigs/extensions in the market!
We need to have fashion police in Nigeria...Ima' 'bout to make a citizen's arrest!
Love that 'for instance' song. Holla Oiiyeeeee.
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The guy is probablly saying, Baby..i love you this much pass my mama. LOL
The guy is toasting and the girl probably reminded him that he has a chic and he gave the classic line,we r having problems and she responded by saying i hear u.havent yet heard the album.hope its as good as the 1st.cant say that for styl plus though
Who is that "bad" girl in photo #10 from above? Shes mad hot!
Is it me or do they all look "ras" bar the girl in white pants and red polka dot top!!!
Naija boys rocking doorag, LOL na so so bad thing we dey learn for we country.
Oh Kofi "Tap Dancing" Annan! What is up with the ghetto girl with the thirsty-ass looking wig? Kai, if you're having a bad hairrrr day, just stay ya ass at home.
Is ga jjjjjjuuu Naija is repping o. hmmm I'm still moving to Ghana jare lol! those pics are hot.. Bella omo u be major insider. Ya on my speed dial for inside jist pick up ur phone abeg lol! RAWK ON MAMA.. nice write up! 12/14/06
Whatever it is he's saying at the point doesn't matter cos she look like she's buying it. Stick a fork in her...she's done, lol.
what the heck is going on with how most of these women are looking?just plain broke down...damn..if the weave aint looking nasty,the wiglet just looks bad..and the clothes..gets my damn goat..whats with the white looking chick with corn rows and effing PIN STRIPE MINISKIRT,PURPLISH LONGSLEEVE TACKY SHIRT AND COFFEE KNEELENGTH BOOTS,LOOKING LIKE A POOR MANS ALICIA KEYS...dont even get me started on the men...hope his second thingybob does well sha...
When do Omotola stop being sexy? Menh! she's looking good every time eh!
That dude was just telling the girl about the Lord, and seems like she's savouring everyword from homeboy. He's doing pretty good.
but those ladies at the back are having some serious hot gossip eh! Some dude wearing white and being interviewed at another point was just hideous dang! His metrosexual look is just way too sissy, and ugly! ugh!!!
ok i wanted to watch my mouth o but you guys said it first....heheheheh that's got to be the most consistently populated razz gathering of women that i have seen recently. yes o. dem babes look razz! even omotola looks beat up. that weave is sad and depressing.
Who lied and told you people the entertainment industry in nija and its groupies are tush?
If it aint storm or silverbird it prolly stinks, and thats on a lovely day, which come few and far between in geedee!
please cool it now, like ashyness and ashi's in nigeria is a new syndrome or something.
I like that kelis lookin chics get up tho, only I would set it off with orange kicks.
ANYWAY. Bellinton na u all di way
e-diva you are a bonafide crackhead.. :D
Not fair! I can't see any of the pictures¬¬
Mehn, Nyja dey happen o! That girl that the guy in white is spitting rhymes for is definitely hot. Those braids on her are too neat. Damn!
It's all been said but I have to also say that I'm a little disappointed with the fashion choices of those women..I mean...COME ON! The chick with the silver cut out wrap-around boot looking thing.....serious! LOL. It's almost like there's no happy either dress well, or you don't in Naija.
As usual Bella, you have the inside scoop. Keep it coming girl!
The girl with the blue-green outfit had some potential...but the black shoes just killed that outfit. It dus' spoilt everytin!
Ah some nice outfits oh...i hav to re-pack
Loving omo sexy in the red she is trying these days oh, givin us peep toes n all...she has my hairstyle hehe
ok thanks babe nice one!
Mona xx
sup bella, how have u been? Nice one. Wierd mc, omotola and everyone looks so good. voted for ya best blog of the year 2006. Stay good.
Love 2face to bits..possibly one of his number 1 fans..but i have heard about 3 of his new songs..not bad..but dont'think it will reach the same height and fame as African Queen and co.
Naija's know how to rock sha...peeps allow that dude o..player is playing his game!! the chic went to sxhool with of the safest babes out there,
I honestly think that our zest to copy our more illustrious brothers over the pond makes some of us look ridiculous. If these people represent the elite in entertainment in Nigeria, then Nigeria as a nation has a very long way to go. Gotta say this, our African brothers and sisters are light years ahead of us in this game! We are poor imitations.
Clearly "fashion police" is not a familiar term to other peeps. WT hell is goin on with the hair ladies???
It's a CD launch and everyone is sitting down...ha!
Somebody please call child welfare coz I got no idea why mommy over there goes to a launch with a bambino!!!
Love 2Face and I'm sure the CD will be nice, maybe MTV award nomination next year? Sori our Freshly Ground beat him to it this year. I think we should have an MTV award at each african country...
back to the topic, Weird MC needs to get a stylist asap coz she can't always be rocking that ish...
and as for the gal with the strappy silver shoes, gal you need to throw that mess away!
Nice Blog Bella, just came to holla!! Love your community!!
I am still awiaitng my own copy of that album so that i can consume very bit. I even heard, that he featured SoulE( a hot sensation) on one of the tracks.
@bella, where did you get all tbis pix from?......
mann nigeria is enjoting or let me say my people is gbadduing . mann i cant wait to get the fun when i get there
Bella. I am a huge fan of Omotala Jalade Ekeinde. Pls, don't get me wrong and i will have to say this. With her these days, i think she should better watch it! i'm telling you. Because pride goeth before a fall.
Not judging her nor jealous of her achievements and success because we all have our space in this life and time in achieving and celebrating, if i may add.
Anyway ... time to go. Thnx for the space to give my own opinion.
Tuface should better get a life, soon.
Or else............................
Dis wan no be yabis or agro abi na threat.
But just the thoughts of a concerned individual.
As he is talented. What the heck!
He should get him some character, abeg.
I am not judging him, though.
Just saying........................
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