Photographer: Ben Ingoldby @ Exposure Studios
Hair: Abey Yusuf @ Bobby's Signature
Make-Up: Bunmi Olunloyo
Stylist: Omoyemi (Yemi) Akerele
Models: Aisha Danjuma & Ishioma Onyebo (Finalists, Face of Africa 2006)
I luv the white hot look! True Love fashion spreads rock!
Make sure you buy your copy and subscribe...its worth it!
Especially the clothes in the last 2 photos....UBER FAB!
What do you think?
So this is like a Magazine for White Fashion/Clothing? These guys may run out of content in the nearest future ...Notice I said nearest. But if they pull it off, they may do it BIG. I like the risk they are taking.
i love tru love magazine. Im digging the first outfit, i can imagine wearing it on a lovely summer day, with my sunglasses, some mad bag.....ok ill stop there see me dreaming away.
Not bad!!! I'm persoanlly not a fan of white except for gettign married in.
Bella you say "subscribe" do they actually send it to anywhere besides Naija ni???cos all my own have been sent from the motherland..
Have a FAB day all!!!
hi bella,great blog...jst discovered it. anyway my comment has got notin to do with the current topic but i jst had to contribute my 2kobo...read the archives and came across a comment that i jst ahd to reply...it was the about miss world etc etc(september) and the person more or less said that angola and tanzania were wrong for sending mixed race girls as their reps..as a mixed race girl myself that kinda hurt,it simply strikes me as a form of discrimination...i got enuf beef from girls in high school cos my of skin colour,hair rtc but i really thought that that kind of stuff is jst a teen girl thing..i spent the 1st 16yrs of my life in naija and consider myself as totally nigerian (tho my yoruba's not that good)so if i ever get the honour of representing my country i dont think anyone shuld consider it a betrayal of values or as selling out...ok i got a bit carried away there,this was meant to be short but bear with me,im kinda tired,its 3am here!!really interested in wat u guys have to say about it..how would u feel about a mixed race miss nigeria?
hey anonymous, I see nothing wrong in a mixed race, Miss Nigeria....
I think the person making those comments got carried away..but me address the issue via personal experience
Being mixed race myself, I would be hurt if someone discriminated against any of my sisters who are fair skinned or have the features as per curly hair, light eyes etc...by saying they cant cant contest for a beauty contest because they look mixed race
but to be honest, it is sad that you had a negative experience with girls in nigeria....mine was the quite the opposite, because I am not as fair as my sisters and dont have the curly hair and brown eyes people would argue with me....yes ooo argue and say 'noooo tht is not your mother'....'noooo tht is not your sister'....' 'are you sure u rnt their cousin?' 'u must be claiming'....lol...etc'...
It was irritating and sometimes hurtful but tht's life
dont let your experience with those girls put u down. the world has many negative people who try to channel their lack of self confidence to other people.....just ignore them because they are the one wth the issues not u
FYI, there has been a mixed race Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria, she represented Nigeria in Miss World and Miss Universe 1997. Her name is Emma Komlousy. She is actually Patti Boulaye's daughter
@ dimples, unfortunately u cant subscribe from outside nigeria
A white summer dress, now that is classy, I am thinking of the shoes I will rocking with it, lol let me stop, nic post!
That stylist rocks!!
@ Mola, Every month a magazine has to do a theme for a fashion editorial. Being that its a warm season over there hence a white story. Next month they will do something else. Magazines everywhere do it all the time, from a lace story, gold story, military inspired etc.
Truelove is a great magazine. It started in South Africa over 30 yrs ago and in the early nineties a young lady Khanyi at age 21 took over as editor and gave it this fresh glossy look. It just took off in a major way after that. Its now in Nigeria and who know where it will go to next. I am so proud of Khanyi, shes like family and someone i truly admire and shes only 2 yrs older than me. Bella I love your blog. You should really start your own bella magazine VERY soon.
Thanks for inspiration Koki...wow...i didnt know she was 21 when she took over! I am so inspired by that fact...
U never know...By God's grace, a mag could be in the horizon...
in the meantime, make sure u all buy ur copies of HauTe....Miss Dammie is even younger than 21 is already doing big things!
@ Koki o ok, its a theme thing. Make sense.
How come you use old issues of True Love in your blog? I have lots of new ones but I noticed that your blog references True love issues from as far back as a year ago. Your readers are missing out! I just got October 2006 issue and it is fabulous!
Hey Banana Republic girl, thanks...I see what u r saying, I have the new issues of True Love as well...this is actually from the issue 2 months ago...
I do not use the current issue for copyright reasons...as per so as not to affect the sales figures of that issue...
oooh...white is so HOT!!!...The white wrap dress is so DVF...(Diane Von F.).lol Very Nice.....
That's so hot, i would totally rock those fits.Someone said they may not last tsweeee, Yah they will .We've got a black and white store in the mall and its doing Fantabulous. White is so classy, Naija loves classy .This white stuff will go far. LET THE WHITE PARTIES BEGIN ( good promotion idea, i know : ) ).
the models are skinny sha, but one or two of those styles are hella ugly. i like the sailor style and the last latina style dress the best.
tatafo! ....u always give ur unadulterted honest opinion! i luv it!
Lovely pics...the models are all very beautiful.
Bella Naija: abeg, how do I get in contact with True Love? Do they have a website or something... or @ least an email? Abeg, informate me.
Thanks 4 stoppin by. Joaquim (my nephew) xtends his greetings!
nice mag...and I agree the models are beautiful (i guess that's why they're models) and that first one looks like Danielle from last ANTM
I love white clothes, and I think it looks really striking against dark skin. Unfortunately, since I live in sunny England, I can only get away with white for about 2 months a year ... shame!
I'm very interested in the anonymous comment about the Angolan and Tanzanian reps for the Miss World, and I agree, I don't think it's fair to say they're selling out. I went to Nigeria last christmas and was asked by the passport control people (in jest) if I could pronounce my own surname, it took a lot of restraint not to hiss and stomp off!
Love this blog anyway, really interesting and colourful ... and I love love love the fashion and little snippets of news and gossip... keep it up!
I didn't know bunmi did makeup o
Bella, i've just been searchiny ur page for more images by Ben ingolby. Do you have any pic's or info on him, a friend of mine has had photoshoot with him and says he is hot and single but was imune to her advances, i want to try my look especialy as he could make me look so goon in pics to.
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