They look really cute and I wish them all the best in their marriage…….but a random thought just crossed my mind, why is it that politicians’ children seem to get married in abundance when they are in power/office……this is actually the 3rd Obasanjo wedding this year…..since he has been President, so many of his kids have tied the knot…The VP, Governors and Senators’ kids haven’t been left out in this wedding fever…..so I am just wondering…why?
I would luv to hear u comments…….so u can give us ur opinion on my question or just tell us what u think about the wedding outfits……I luv her wedding dress……..
lovely couple congrats to the president and his family. Wishing them a more blessings in the future:-)
Yeah .. I am the first today. Just noticed your timer is set to Nigerian time...lol.
To the subject at hand, I guess their wedding website was Top governmental secret and protected by the SSS. What's up with that?
Her dress is aight... doesn't blow my mind away BUT SHE IS A LOOKER....They make them fine and thick like that in the Dominican Republic. She looks like a Beni woman true true with her beaded head gear. Anyways the wedding must have been outta the wazoo.. i mean look how happy 'De Oby' (De is Ibo for 'uncle') looks...sad that Stella couldn't share in the joyous occassion but I am sure she was there in spirit.
To the matter of 'wedding while in office/power'...it must be the discount... the more power and weight you carry the more chance that you will not pay for space in Ovation et al...plus all the 'GOOD GIFTS' from fellow power holders can make up for the portion of the national cake spent on the event. After all it was just a borrowed loan with diminishing negative collateral per capita and a 0%interest rate...{co(bullshit)ugh} Lol!!!!:)
why wasn'y i invited? shabi its my countries money that was used to throw the party?
well obj's tenure will soon end oo, so i guess all the kids, even housegirl sef get to marry now them fit chop awoof.
no condition is permanent in naija o, even if u be presido.
congrats to them oh, she looks gorgeous
She is eally fine sha, the guy is lucky.
ha sorry oh adaure! I got here first lol! By the way the traditional head gear and out fit she wore was probably in tribute to his mother Stella Obasanjo very fitting! :-)
Interesting. I wonder if his Nigerian Navy brothers were there in full effect? And is it me, or are there more Naija men marrying non-Naija women of late? I've heard of at least 5 this year...not that there's anything wrong with it. Love is love.
Congratulations and may God continue to bless this union.
i like the fact that our president rocks Ankara/ wooden like it is going out of style. I am beginning to think the ban on lace was not such a bad idea after all.
cute couple!
They choose to marry off their kids when they are in power because they don't pay for the lavish occassion ..someone sponsors the event..in the case of Muyiwa it was Gov. Odili...may God help us...
I guess another question to ask is ..why are OBJ's kids marrying foriegners?(nothing against the move but it just pricked my interest)...hmmmm...
swfyrtxI know Miguel will bring up that question.
Nice couple,but our ppl dey say "Soup wey sweet,na money kill am"
I don't like the fact he married a foreigner o. I always thought - It'd be me he will get married too...
There goes my dream.......
P.S; I have no clue, Y I thought we'd hook up one day, but i kept thinking of him when stella died, and i thought maybe i'd be his saviour........I guess he found that now!
dammie hope everything is okay:) actually she has been in fiancee for a long while now
your prince will come too;)
LoL, I heard he is paralysed {somehow}.....or mentally challenged or somethingg....These were all attractive qualities for me.....
Now, he went on without me!!.....LoLoL, Oh boy!>.....I'm happy he is married, hope he is well...he's been through so much unnecessary bad press/wahala!!
I wishhh him the best!!...YaY!
na wa o! this rumormongers wey dey comments on the poor boy, make u na get ur story right, mentally challenged and paralysed, how can that be and he went to law school in NY, it don't add up.
Being disabled doesn't stop you from achieving great goals, like going to law school....
The reason, America is one of the best countries.......
They think every woman is better than an African one. Most of these men have such low self-esteem they seek any other kind of woman to boost their image and to validate their existence. Hope she doesn't cheat on him once she grows tired of the boredom.
What do you expect these people to do? Do you prefer them to wait and don't get married just because their father is in power.
I don't blame them, I will rather be labelled as president's son getting married rather than former president's son getting married.
More power and good luck.
Na una sabi.
no one knows who they will fall in love with. dont think they actually go out looking for non naija gals!!!
Anyways, d girl fine, but havent we seen that dress b4?? think of Di of the 'www.dianddee.com' fame.....very similar dress.... hmmmmm.
una see as nijia men be.the prisident son marry a dominican chick from san pedro,counsin to my class mate where i dey study medcine and belive me,here there are many nijia guys but we don't even have an embassy here in htis country.
can someone please tell OBA make him do something for us here abeg.
Dr. cyril ikechi,
san pedro,Dominican rep.
D babe fine sha. D Benin outfit actually fits her as well. Saw d wedding been shown on BOS last year.
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I know this is an old article, but I know Olu. I went to law school with him in NY. He was in my class for 3 years. He is NOT disabled at all or in any way. That is a horrible rumor. He attended A elite black college in Atlanta and then law school. He is a hard working successful young attorney here in the states. AND IS also a wonderful and sweet man. No one knew he was the President's son until it was announced the First Lady of Nigeria was in attendance at our graduation. He was very down to earth and just a regular guy. I hate to read misinformation about him!
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