Awww I have missed u guys so much!
Wow! Last week was so stressful, I have no words really! It was just something else...
Anyways, how was your weekend? how was the Thisday Music Festival? Let us know how it went....
So I'm here, just getting used to my new job and all that.
The much anticipated Stars on the Runway show took place on 07/07/07.
From the photos, it seemed as though it went really well....
Most people were looking really good...I usually dont like red but I'm lovin' the red on Omotola, Omowunmi and Ifeoma.
Photos courtesy: purefoto
Omotola Jalade Ekeinde ~ Omowunmi Akinnifesi
Funlola Aofiyebi ~ Tessy Oliseh ~ Grace Egbagbe
Ruggedman ~ Sasha ~ Kate Henshaw
Iretiola Doyle ~ Omowunmi & friend ~ Patrick Doyle
Lanre da Silva Ajayi & Ifeoma Williams ~ Denrele ~ Frank Osodi
Princess Nina Agwuna and Princess Muka Nwokedi ~ Omotola
So many people asked me why I hadn't blogged about Mo from Canada's Next Top Model, I was actually waiting for her to win but she was eliminated :(
Anyways, she did a good job....she had jumping accent syndrome though, British one minute, canadian the next, Nigerian, Jamaican
Mo (Morayo Ninalowo) from Canada's Next Top Model (Eliminated)

There is also another person of Nigerian heritage on BNTM, her name is Natalie and she is a single mother.
Natalie Nwagbo from Britain's Next Top Model
I found this interesting interview with Denrele from last weekend's Punch Newspaper, he talks about his much discussed style of dress.

That's it for today!!!
Let us know what u think and give us the ThisDay Festival gist...
Yea me first
nice post.
let me go read.
wow omotola looks stunning.
como estas bella? Seems like its being ages. Hope you are doing fab.
i really don't like omotola's dress. She is a solid woman and should refrain from wearing cloths that accentuate her solidness. The other gurl's outfit was on point. I love everything about it; Simple and elegant.
Someone is repping a blue dress, blue shoe and purple. What the hell!!!!!
did she forget to look at her reflection
welcome back bella!!
welcome back...
I bet you noticed you've sooooo been missing in action.
Anyway you are allowed Yawn at these event pics. The NTM pics look more interesting.
Have a fab week. Ciao.
3rd ThisDay photo.
Girl leaning on car assessing Omowunmi: "...Na wa o. Na the pesin wey dey wash im cloth I dey pity;See as im throway fabric for ground..."
Apparently Kelly fainted on stage...who else can confirm this?..
Mo's mixed-up accent is no worse than other people's voice comments on snapvine. The only consistent person IMHO is Taureanminx...probably 'cos she knows who she is.She keeps it real.
welcome back, omotola is just gorgeous!
Been waiting ages for new post. Nice to have you back. Pics looked great.
Nice to have u back! Interesting exerpt on Derele. Speaking of Mo's accent...I think it is still in transition. Living out here tends to get one's accent confused, it takes time to find yourself and establish a balanced accent somewhere inbtw nija and that of wherever u are.
Good to have you back Bella! Big ups to our naija sisters representing in Canada and England.
I actually love Omotolas dress and think it flatters her shape and shes beautiful. wow! some of these people could be on the red carpet anywhere. However I think Ladybrille needs to call her fashion police- some of the looks= haute mess. lol at the trouser with different legs.. LMAO!! double lawl.. I have seen this Derele guy on your blog a couple of times and you must give it to him for being consitently consistent with his look but I am reading the interview with a crooked eye at some of the responses.. LOL
great post Bella
Damn and I have been stalking this blog but sha no probs, I am still top twenty.
I am slacking sha
Thanks for the pics cos i went to their official website and it was sorely lacking
long time bella, where have you been? Omotola looks smashing hot even after 4 kids. Wow. Very lovely post of denrele. I love the naija model. That is good.
I saw a chick in one of the pics, they are not numbered so I can't say which one but she is in red standing with aguy and it looks like it is outside the event. Do you know if her name is Chika Eke?
yea i heard that too about kelly fainting..hmm mayb na naija
nice post bellz
Finally Miss in I was beginning to send out a rescue team to Canada o..
Finally this show took place...very pleased for Ronke Apampa(although i can't stand her!!!...worst thing on TV ever)..and the R70 team...
Nice turn-out and from the pics I have seen..peeps did have a nice time....I LOVE NAIJA's sha...we sure know how to rock.
Omotola looked lovelt...although i would have to agree with Koki small...that brown dress did nothing 4 her...perhaps it even made her look a touch bigger than normal...
Gosh Omowunmi is so pretty and innocent!!!
Don't care what anyone says...I love Derele...he is crazy in his own unique way....Omo boy..keep doing what ur doing jare!!!
Well done Bella,....and I shall be back 2moro.
I'd like to run a style commentary on some of the clothes on the [stone-carpet] it should[a] been a red carpet event... common......
How are you doing Bella??
Ifear for denrele's mentsl health,no joke
Seriously loving the style thing going on ,most of it was on point.
Denrele's interview was just another story - hilarious, if it works for him so be it.
Welcome back and warri people will say 'doh' for the stress. we missed you.
great usual!
lol @ anonymous 1:51 am...but i wonder why people tend to go anonymous wen making such comments!
bella 9ja!i love ur blog so much!i always come to get gist abt happenings in 9ja!anyways yeah mo had all d accents but u know it isnt easy moving 4rm 9ja to any country..u try to speak like d pple and often get it mixed up!one anonymous said bloggers on snapvine too have mixed up accents!!!who cares..really!
so what if ur accents dwindles btw ur original accent and another one!i mean you sure will pronounce some words more nigerian than others!what does it matter...anonymous 1:51pm..ur point is that.........???
that denrele guys is just a joke to me...I can't seem to take him seriously, and yea kelly did collapse on stage
Why is Omotola wearing Gold earrings with a silver clutch?
Derenle is officially mad...
Omotola looks good
I like the whole concept of that show and Bella i missed your call...
Email me the digits baby. We miss you over here.
is it me, or does omotola looked bleached?!!!
Hi Bella...Good that u are back. I think we all should pray for that Denrele guy, he is crazy...imagine running on the corridor naked and putting someones underwear in the freezer, that is the works of a craze person.. I am saying this b4 he decides to stab somebody.
You can get your This Day concert gist at (or just click on my name.)
Anonymous 5.21PM, Omotola does not 'looked bleached'...I beleive u meant 'look bleached,'BTW. It is just you!
Where have you been? Welcome back.....
I must say i am impressed at most of the outfits( i wouldnt say all). Naijas have definitely stepped up o, u wan try us?
The dudes looked proper gay tho( sory jst had to mention). Denrele is jst sth else, he put some1's underwear in the freezer? Serious wierdo!!!!!!!
Nice post, welcome back!
Denrele has good hair.. I'm soo jealous :(. ok I have good hair too but errr. lol
ANon 1:51pm's point which I totally agree with is that bella shouldnt knock the girl's hustle for having 'shaky shaky ' accent because a lot of bloggers on snapvine weave in and out of so many accents,its hilarious....
There is something to be said for consistency and i have to give it to Tminx-i dont even listen to said snapvine anymore cos the voices dripping with whatever accent flava of the minute is IRRITATING...I thereafter stopped reading quite a number of blogs after hearing said two tone naijiramerican or whatever accents-
So ppl having a bone with said anon's observation are trying to say ... what? Let me guess, that if u talking to a naija audience,talk naij and if you are talking to your 'oh,i'm trying to fit in or have lived abroad since '95 or whenevr, so i weave in and out of ur accent' pls go ahead...but you know it would really be cool if they just spoke in one accent, whter naija or oyinbo, just keep it consistent,kapish?
didnt mean to post the above annpnymously thought i wrote my name-Dami O.
BTW-I thot what Segun Odegbami modelled was so HOT...really suited him, kinda comes with knowing who you are-wink
I actually like the Denrenle guy. He is who he is and he makes no apologizes. I am certainly the type of person to randomly run naked down the hallway for no reason and get a thrill out of it. He's amusing! Lol @ I don't hate liars, we all lie!
Omotola is like a fine wine...she looks better with age, Dayum!!!
I don't know too much about Nigerian stars (personalities).. but is the Derele guy gay. I"m not an homophob...This is a true honest question. I'm just wondering because I know being gay is not such an open thing back in Nigeria. Anyone care to answer?
As always, you never fail to deliver. Thoroughly enjoyed your post.
thank jeez they finally did the starts on the runway after so much postponement n adverts...
kudos to ronke apampa...i hope it went well though
hey bella. doing greta i tell ya. i envy u jare, my anywyas keep keeping it real. meanwhile check out this blog
keeping it real.
hi peeps! i absolutely love this blog. well done bella, fantastic job! im officially hooked. check out this new website, its about the salsa dance rave in town now.
stay cool!.
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