I have missed you guys…
I feel so out of touch with Blogville (LOL, this is the first time I’ve used the word ‘Blogville’ on my blog, I have something against the word ‘Blogville’ I don’t know why!!! It just peeves me LOL….anyways…there I go being random again) at the moment.
Anyways, I am still hella busy! I am sooo tired (but still very happy)…oh well…we have to keep up the grind.
So what did I miss? Please fill me in….
Anyways, here is a roundup of all things fashion and entertainment…
The new issue of HauTe – Fashion Nigeria is coming out next week!
I’ve got to tell you that this mag is HOT! You will see the best of Nigerian fashion photos as well as engaging articles.
Here is a sneak peek

Amaka Osakwe Signature Collection ~ Zebra

Fashionable Life feat. Foluso Olowude ~ Peridot & Ruby

You will just have to pick up the mag to see the rest.
Visit the revamped HauTe website - HERE
Subscribe to HauTe - HERE
HauTe Myspace - HERE
A couple of weeks ago, I featured the Genevieve Nnaji photoshoot from Made Magazine, a new high concept Nigerian magazine for Men. Anyways, they held a launch party at NewsCafe @ the Palms Mall in Lagos a couple of weeks ago and here are the photos from the event.
Genevieve Nnaji ~ DJ Jimmy Jatt ~ Ikechukwu & Naeto C
Olisa Adibua ~ Obi Asika (CEO Storm Media) ~ Genevieve & Ikechukwu
The Made Team - Onuorah Iyizoba, Obiora Okoye, Gbenga Ashiru and Jon Slade
Ugo Okoye, Bolaji Folawiyo, Olaotan Towry Coker, Taiwo S
Chini Odogwu, Av Babar, Onuorah Iyizoba
Ugo, Kelechi Amadi Obi, Lakesha
Nigeria’s foremost female rapper, Sasha aka Yetunde Alabi has a new album out soon.
Here is her new video ‘Adara’…LUV IT
Here are also some photos from her album cover shoot and video shoot
Hit her up on MySpace - HERE
That's it for today!
Have a fabulous day......Its another busy busy busy day for me tomorrow so wish me luck!
Look who's on top when I really couldn't care less.ha ha
ok.i have laughed that silly victory off. Now in ref. to the post. I am not all too familiar with Sasha songs but I know she rocks. She just has this tough skinned, driven,ambitious charisma that I love to see in ladies her. P & R does have some innocenty looking models. thay are cute though but most times i'm unmoved by their fashion statement...all too familiar. But as i always say I love an entrepreneural spirit anytime. That's what makes them rock;that risk-taking character.
wow!Top 3..yay..lol
naija is chnaging. has anyone seen time mag's article titled "the two sides of nigeria." exact name might be wrong though. the clip sounds great. and thanks bella, for bringing all the nice tidbits 'bout naija. you could be a producer of a tv show based on info reflected on your blog. kudos to you. and thanks again
Made event looks well organized.
nice post loving the made mag!
I love it! Moves are really being made in Naija! I love that young people are pursuing their passion in a big way. Imagine how boring life would be if we still defined ourselves by the old standards were success was only defined by if you were a doctor, lawyer or engineer! Here's to life outside the box!
BTW Haute looks hot (pardon the pun), I am off to the website to order a subscription asap! Bella, my babe...I am so hooked on your blog, it's not even funny!
top ten!
did I mention that the male voices on you voice whatever sound hot yet gay....(silence).Guess not.
I've been meaning to get a copy of Haute Mag and I finally did, thanks for reminding me Bella!
Genevieve and Sasha look so pretty!!
Made Mag is whatsup o jare! hopefully naija men will be hip to it, about time they got a naija G.Q mag!
I'm guessing thwey included a dress code on the IV for the made event cos most of the guys in the pics are wearing blue jeans, colored shirt and black jackets. The mag is actually pretty good, not as Nigerian as it should be though, I guess they'll catch up soon enough.
Ikechukwu and that velvet blazer! I've seen him at too many events rocking that same blazer (i think he has black too). I'm sure there's someone here that knows him, pls tell him to take it easy on the jackets :)
The magazine launch looks like fun. I guess i have to check out this Haute magazine that you love so much
How can we get haute magazine in naija?
heard some bloggers are in TRUE LOVE WA.. is it true? are u there? why not put up a post on it?
Congrats to Dammie and the HAUTE crew...well done girlies...the sky is definately your limit.
Loving the others...but as usual P&R rock baby!!!!(ok Low perhaps a skirt should be sent in my direction??)
Congrats to the MADE team...ya'll rock and i'm very proud of all u My Naija guys(..lol...stealing Angelica's song)
Keep it up....and GQ aint going have nothing on you.
N.B-Gbenga I am still waiting for it to go on sale in London o!!!
Nice post Bella...as in this girl u are too much jo.
Have a FAB day all!!!
Hello Bella
Saw ur profile on TL WA
Pretty dissapointed you had no pic though
Sasha is not naijas "foremost" female rapper, what happened to weird mc?
Do a story on Blaise- she's even hotter i think.
love sasha though, she's humble
I took some of those pictures weeheeee. Lol. I miss my camera :(
Dbanj is just too hot to handle jo! All major designers should be ralling after him he is HAWWWWTTTT!!!
Love him! Love is energy! He is Showbiz with a capital S! He has redefined that word in Naija!
By the way, did I say specs looks hotter on him than David Beckham?
Dbanj, I love ya! Loved ya on your first outing on INTRO when you sang Mobolowo wan and love you even more now. Keep it up bro! It's your calling, your purpose, where you should be!!!
Ayo Shonaiya sure is photogenic o.
Genny babe, you look burriful but find a man sharpish! Age is knocking!
But sha babe, i'll be hating if I say you are not radiating o. Keep it up!!
Ooh can't forget to comment on HAUTE the HAUTEST fashion mag. Subscribe everyone! Goodluck with your busy day Bella
So is MADE owned by the Okoyes and Iyizobas?
That Sasha song and video are hot....lovin' the hook. In fact. lemme go and watch again.
Oh I'm so glad the Adara video is FINALLY. FOr the past 6 months, I have been hooked on the song! Each time I play it, I have to listen to it at least 5 times - no kidding! The song has SO much soul ... so much soul ... how you dey aunty bella?!
Once again - lovely post. Olisa Adibua is loking well, and so is Obi (links)
Moving on...
HauTe is definitely HOT this year...i cant wait to get my copy...!
bella naija,bella naija,bella naija,..how many times did i call u?girl u are just too much..nice post as usual!how do u manage..let me go n feast my eyes again!
Lol that's the O-Noodles fabric that Foluso is wearing. (O- O-Noodles.. Instant Noodles... O- O- noodles.. tasty noodles...lol) Hmh... it looks nice, may be it's time for me to bring mine out from hiding and rock it too. Lol. Ever since that commercial came out I have been so upset about it.
I think I am going to splurge on a /haute subscription. The website is very nice.
Oh WoW B! suprise! suprise!! Thanks!!
Very excited about the Made MEN magazine...looking fwd to their pictorialss...
NOW, the Adara video is so niceee, and Sasha looks hot too...loving her look!!..Heard it was style by the darling Chalya Shagaya....Good work!!
...@ Anonymous 2.11, I saw the article!! engaging i'm kinda glad they are showing the better said of Nigeria.
@Naijababe...Thanks!! and life will indeed be boring if we still followed the old standards!!
Sweet @ Tatafo!!...Thanks!!
@ Uzo, you should!!...It's a pretty nice, unique magazine..if I say so myself!!....if not Bella won't be interested...hehehe.
@ Anonymous 8.46am...Subscribe your email address, to be the 1st to know when it hits Nigeria...and of course stay tuned to Bellanaija.com!
WE love you dimples!! *muahh*
LoL @ Taurean..eh yah sorry, U will get a betterr camera, infact one that you don't have to even touch it!! Thanks!! *muahh*
Heyy Bobby, Thankssss :)
Thanks Beautyinbaltimore!!
NOW, B!! Whatttttt...the TL WA issue is out?..exciting?...if you don't blog about itt...I sooo am!!! off to find it and get to scanning!!....I know I should be emailing...Longgggg, beenmovingallday!! Be safe ;) TTYS
XxLots of lovexX
is that Kofo in one of the pics at Made launch...
my eyes are tired, its late....
btw, that song is not bad at all...
Sasha really has style and the video is well produced with an interesting concept...
good to see top notch stuff like this coming from naij...
hey pple,blogville idol is finally coming to an end...we have two contestants left and they have sung their songs,pls go to out page and listen to them via our voice player and vote for them on d vote poll..pls leave us a comment too...tank u for ur support thru out the contest
Why is Ugo repeating that horrible outfit! He is wearing that exact thing in some of his pics on facebook! Yuck!
nice one, i really dont think u missed any thing because you have been busy uself. well i am into reality shows thats what seems to be topping the chats check out www.gokesean.blogspot.com
Interesting read as always, I always learn about the Nigerian scene whenever I visit :) Good work
Hi Bella, Please vote for Dscribe on blog idols
Have a blessed weekend
luvv sasha,hers material is hottt!!!Go Peridot and Ruby....
The new Haute mag looks good. I need to link up with this Dammie girl sha! For someone who works on magazines both at day time and night, I must add too that Made looks professionally done. Well done Bella on another good post...neva heard of Sasha but I'm gon' have to check her out.
I really have to get my hands on a copy of Haute. Someone was just mentioning to me over the weekend about how its just really well put together. VERY impressive and once you start like that it can only get better. so keep it up ladies
happy one year anniversary to bella naija...
ur blog rocks...
on true love mag...
and one year of blogging..
love ur blog
I have to say this bout Made magazine..the launch was well organized but wat do u really think of the mag....i personally fink its a little cheesy and if its supposed to be like GQ then we want to see RMD on the cover witout his shirt...okay! maybe not...lol...but really its not playboy so i dont think a gal should be on the cover....What do you think?
hello nice things here, kindly be part of miss ebony world and face of world, check www.missebonyworld.org and www,faceofworld.org
You guys are really keeping it real
Please KEEP IT UP.
Y'all wadup?
Im just chilln' righ here
Wats krackin' Please keep on the Good work.
Sasha is marketed well. Way to go! More to her and Storm Records. Ikechukwu ... you can't blame a brother maybe it is one of his favourite blazers ... you know what i'm saying! ... lol! ... nah! brother is cool. D'Banj ... as usual ... on fiyah!!! like Bella would say. Genny baby ... nne. na u biko!!!
As for MADE magazine it is a LETHAL combination - Onuorah Iyizoba and his associates; more to you guys!!! You are putting Naija on the map as young men. Giving Nigeria a good image in the International and national fashion scene. What else can i say but BElla omalicha, kedu ka i me?
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