Model of the Week - Steeve Clairicia
Hey Everyone,
How was your week?
I had one of those weeks where everything just seemed extra stressful….u know how it is sometimes….Anyways, I am glad it is over!
So what are your plans for the weekend? I think I’ll just have to go out on Saturday…its been a while really.
Anyways, here is Weekend Luv – The International Edition
Sebah Tubman’s Blog
Sebah is a Liberian sista based in the USA…I absolutely luv her blog. It covers fashion, music etc…Just check it out
Linda Ikeji’s Blog
Linda is a young Nigerian entrepreneur doing big things for herself. She owns a modelling agency and a recently started a magazine! I just luv her blog + she is such a sweetheart…what more could u ask for…Just check out her blog
NS1463 – the blog
NS1463 is an apparel company by a young Nigerian entrepreneur. He just moved to Nigeria to set up his flagship store and is blogging all about it! This is a must read for all you future entrepreneurs and people who want to move back to naij. You can also visit their website HERE…I luv their tees – especially the one that says ‘Your Mama Go Luv Me!’ lolz..LUV IT
Peep This
Here are some pics of Boris Kodjoe’s new baby, Nicolas Neruda Kodjoe, who was born October 31, 2006. They just released his pics! I also included a pic of his daughter, Sophie Tei Naaki Lee Kodjoe…very cute!
I luv Boris and the kids sooooo cute!
Here are pics of Diddy (Sean Combs) and Kim Porter’s new babies…..Just thot some people might like to see them. Their names are D'Lila Star Combs (named after Kim's grandmother, Lila Star) & Jessie James Combs (named after Sean's grandmother, Jessie Smalls) – CUTE!
Some new pics of Nnenna Agba – hope her modelling career is going well.
What’s Hot
'History of Love 101 Valentine’s Show' in Lagos on February 10th. The artists performing include: Chante Moore, Kenny Lattimore, 112, Donell Jones, D’banj, Asa etc. This show will be held at Oceanview Restaurant and the gate fee is N60,000 (For Couples) - Gate Fee also includes a 3 course dinner. Uzo is thinking of attending. What do u think? – Check on it. HERE
Soul has an AMAZING playlist on her blog! Absolutely awe-inspiring music - HERE
Nike Osinowo now Mrs. Soleye? - HERE
The Hits
I am in a very reflective mood hence the selection of songs today…
Might not be everyone’s thing but would luv if u check them out.
Infinity – Aye Ole
I don’t have enough words to describe how much I love this song.
If you don’t listen to any of the others – please listen to this one and let me know what u think!
Asha – Baba
I’ve had this up before. Just a nice spiritual song. Giving thanks to Baba!
Robin Thicke – Superman
Uzo led me to Soul’s playlist last week and I heard this song and just fell in luv. I know its not a Nigerian song but I just had to put it up. BEAUTIFUL…U must listen to this.
Have a great weekend!
Take care - Ciao
yeh first again!!!
Thanks for posting those pictures. The kids are so cute and the women - Kim and Nicole - looked so gorgeous pregnant. Looks like they bounced back pretty nicely too.
Wow................so cutie.
Oh i love this post. I have always loved Diddy and i know he has wanted a daughter for so long and i know they will be some lucky girls. I am happy for Boris and Nicole as well. They are an unbelievably attractive bunch. I love the music choices as well. The models at the top of the post are just yummy. You do a good job always...
Finally she blogs...i have been back and forth waiting for an update...Thanks Bella something to ponder on this weekend.
Have a FAB weekend all!!!
Nice one again Bella. They kids are too cute. Hope my kids are as cute lol. Have a lovely weekend.
The model is YUMMY!!! ;-)
Have a nice, FUN and relaxing weekend!
I love the Infinity song!!!! Just beautiful. Nice one, Bella.
oh, please, someone, send me that model! he's tres yummy!
i love the infinity song. it's absolutely fabulous! and am already in love with robin thicke, sexy sexy voice.
I love love love Robin Thicke, I actually went out to BUY the album, after owning the bootleg for months. I love how he loves his wife Paula Patton, he seems to really worship her. Maybe I need to get me my own oyibo bobo hmmm.
Diddy is such an ashewo... while Kim is home with his children, the buck toothed fool is traipsing all over Sundance with that backup singer/dancer Aubrey then Sienna "homewrecker" Miller in NYC. The man sef, until his kini falls off he won't be happy. Kim too, she must like the wahala, the dude has eaten up her adult life.
Muah!!! I actually sat up for hours on Wednesday looking for pictures Pdiddy's twins...couldnt find any, I finally gave up around 3am. I have been watching Kim Porter on my network TV wicked Wicked Game and I noticed she was pregnant so I got curious and googled her but found no pictures of the baby......this was quite a delight...thanks ma!
As always great write up Bella. The only thing that caught me. errrrr 60,000 = $465.11 cents FOR WUT?.. Omo I love my ppl but R U KIDDING ME?omo if na joke babz make u stop am o $400 for wetin $25 concert wey don turn to $400.. OMO DAS DEEP YO.. Nnena is look hot and err WHO IS THE MALE MODEL.. scrumptious!
Dear Bella,
My week was not really nice, you blogged like only 3 times, ah han.....How can a girl live.
Nice one Bella.
Happy to see Boris (my husband in our next life...lol.
I am just wondering, why do all their children have "double names???"
BELLA whats happening?
you are becoming kinda dry.
abeg if na joke stop am oh.i just didnt feel your last couple of posts.
Lovely post as usual...
Steve Clairicia is HOT!! Is he Nigerian or did you just put him up for eye candy?? Any which way, it still makes TOTAL sense oooo
Babies are always adorable! Happy for the new parents too!!
Have a great weekend and keep up the great job!!
If its is any consolation to Ms Misery who wrote in a few weeks ago complaining of singleness, I am single too 33 going on 34 and the Kodjoes are my inspiration as a couple. Boris is now 33 going on 34 this year and Nicole is now 36 going on 27 this year.
They had their very first child (for both Nicole and Boris) called Naaki when Niole was 34 and Boris was 31, in less than twenty four months another beautiful bundle was delivered here in atlanta when nicole was 36 and Boris was 33 yrs old - but look how beautiful they look as a couple. Nicole already went thru one bad marriage which was very short lived, but now see what God blessed her with in such a short period of time - i am sure at 34 before she married Boris she probably doubt love will come.
I am sure you may think ma friends have two three kids and i havent even started, You will be amazed within 36 months God can bless you with three. Same with Toni braxton and his husband - with 24-36months at age 33 she had two sons, and many other celebs in hollywood, Julia Robert, Brook Shields etc - the lis goes on - i am using these ppl as example cos i dont know anybody i know that you might know - for me to use them as examples to you.
Its never too late, several people are my insipiration when it comes to marriage and birth apart from Biblical women and Nicole and Boris are one of the couples i love the most. Such a beautiful family. They may be a rare situation but it can happen to you too. I have that little potrait framed and on my kitchen counter I look at everyday - not necessarily a hunk like Boris, but some one who will make my heart smile.
So on that note put a smile on your face and believe there is still love out there. It will come "IF" you believe.
i made a type error before - I meant Nicole is 36 going on 37 this year.
Hey Darl, that Aye Ole song really hit the spot. You're wonderful as always! XXX
thank you Bella...wedding website stalker....and Ms Misery's empathizer
Have a great weekend people!
Hi Bella.....Just want to start of by saying I enjoy your blogs. I always read but never left comments. For this one I just had to,It's about the Infinity group.. their songs are absolutely beautiful.I don't know if you have their Album...Listen to Six Feet..man that song.....
The oldest daughter looks just like the mother!!! They are all so adorable. A friend of mine and I were saying how that is the most beautiful family that we have ever seen.
how delish is ur male model????
all those kiddies and parents are so cute, and trust diddy to act the fool in the hospital room piccie... nice story cover bella...
That 60,000 concert na lie, OK oceanview is small but for what. Waste of money
Nice post!
If my Boris has one more baby with that WOMAN... I am going to jump off a building!!! AAAAAAARRRRGGHHHH!!!!!!!
Nice post babe!
That male model hmm mmm yummmy!
really jealous of nicole.stop having his babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The kids are lovely dovely bella but pls the Model of the Week - Steeve is sooooo cute !!
what a cutie pie that Boris is.
If we are supposed to have only one soul mate in this world,then Nicole's got mine...she should go find hers!
By the way there's this guy I see in Jesus House brent cross that kinda looks like Boris
Yay for Nnena... I see she has chosen to go with "no hair." I kinda preferred her with hair
who in their right mind names their kid D'Lila??? some things just cannot be explained!
Thanks for posting those pics, you have got more places to go.
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