Anyways, I promised to blog this weekend so here goes……
Ever wondered whether Nigerian movies had red carpet premieres? Well, more and more movies are enjoying this privilege…
Here are pictures from the official premiere of Kingsley Ogoro’s movie, ‘The Widow’…..for those who don’t know him, he is one of Nollywood’s top producers, by the way he also produced ‘Osuofia in London’....
The premiere was well attended and was held at 'Planet One' in Maryland, Lagos, Nigeria
Genevieve Nnaji

Stella Damasus Aboderin (Star of the Movie)

Richard Mofe-Damijo (RMD)

Other Pics (Names in order from L to R)
The Cast of the movie, Musical Trio - Styl-Plus, Genevieve Mag editor - Betty Irabor with Journalist husband, Sonny Irabor
Musician - Angelica, Actors - Chinedu Ikedieze and Osita Iheme
Genevieve waving to screaming fans (lol), Stella with Remi Tinubu, RMD with Segun Arinze & Opa Williams
Comedian - Basketmouth, Actress - Annie Macauley (2face ex-babe) & Movie Producer Kingsley Ogoro (Sir K), Saxophonist - Mike Aremu
Lagos State 1st Lady - Remi Tinubu, Virgin Nigeria Marketing Execs - Igew Noble & Nkiru Olumide-Ojo with others, Soundcity presenter - Denrele,
Stella with paparazzi & press (lol), Cross-section of the crowd and 'The Widow' billboard.
I heard the movie is actually really good and emotionally stirring.....
I am impressed...
LMAO at Genevieve's screaming fans and the paparazzi.....its that serious!!!
Anyway, I'm going shopping now! yay :)
What do u guys think about the premiere....
How Do you get this scoops! Well, I read your blog daily, but never post, but wanted to give a shout out sha, and say keep up the good work.
LOLLLL! only premiere?? LOLLLLLL! na real wa o!
Lol.. that's hot sha. Nice pictures and scoops gurl.. you give the tabloids a run for their money. WIsh they'll be smart enough to post pictures along with their online stuff.
I am more tickled by the presenters 'outfit' and 'Halfro'. Looks like he was on his way to some ' Unilag rag day parade'(do they still have those) or was the hair braider unable to finish braiding on time for the red carpet runs. He seems like a very interesting kinda kid, cute too.
Lol at the premiere.....lovely pics. Gurl where do you get ur info from?? Na wa o...Pls keep it up..
I am happy to see Stella up and about after losing her husband. She's looking good as expected.
Pleasee what's that presenter's outfit all about.....lmao
So we have movie premieres in naija
I have to confess, I had never really thought about whether or not they have movie premieres in Nigeria, but it all looks like a blast .. thanks for the great pics
I wail wah for us for naija sha.Afi Gienevive waving at screaming fans nah ..
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, This is lovely!!..Can u leave my Nigerian ppl alone and stop laughing, BELLA!!!!
Awwwwwwwwwww, It's a revolution in Nigeria *sniff sniff*
P.s; Denrele is cute!!...Awww
this is crazy, i never knew naija movies had premiers, very impressive, fabulous job bella..
thank u so much for that..please can u post genevieve's '30 days' movie premiere...i enjoy ur blogsite..lovely pic...
i actually think its a good idea to have movie premieres for Nigerian fans jo.... i also hope that one day instead of straight to dvd we can have them in the movie theatres too :_
@anonymous - Thanks sweetie..thanks for all d luv..glad u left a comment today...
@anonymous 2 - LOL!!
@adaure - yes o..the presenter, denrele, tht is his regular way of dressing so i didnt say anything...i admire his individuality..he is half nigerian- half srilankan or indian..cant remember rite now
@naijagal - i luv stella too!
@ehi (my future bridesmaid) - i know right...i'm so happy for stella...
@nosa - yeah they do have premieres in nigeria...nice isnt it
@reel fanatic - thanks for the luv...and ur 1st comemnt on d blog
@naijabloke ...yes o..genny has got screaming about tht..
@dammie ....girl u r too funny...yes ...d dude is u want the hookup? lol
@nike...thanks sweetie!!!
@anonymous3 - thanks for d support...i'll work on it
@onada- how r u doing dearie...yeah..some actually now premiere in d cinema....progress!!
Girl,you are damn good and i love your spirit-keep up the good work
Are you serious?!! It really looked like a real premiere ohhh..... that Widow movie is causing quite a stir between Stella and the Aboderin family - isn't there always sumn up with those ones......p.s. if anyone can hook me upwith the movie when its out holler! xx
Guys naija is not as backward as you all think. Sometimes those so called away folks are so condescending but I chalk it up to inferiority complex.
BTW these are not scoops, if you hang around or or go to You will find all this stuff
Janded Babe, I feel you all the way about Naijas abroad talking as if Naija were some backwater village. Watsup with all these people who don't know a thing about pride? Why can't Genevieve wave at fans? This is the mindset that had the yeye producers charging exurbitating amount to have Beyonce perform. Bellanaija, et tu? I'm shocked o.
Janded Babe
well this event was syre cool....i want to hail my man first Derenle on his conquest...his definately a gr8 guy.....i know i will with him soon bcos i sure love the job.....once again nice work to all the pple that made it happen............................keep it up.
Senator Babcock university
U know, Stella is one of the best, now. Genevieve is ever representing. RMD is a cool tall glass of martini. Kingsley Ogoro is a genius; a great thinker and visionary.
Adaure... no comments.
Denrele is in a world of his own but gets good feedback. Well, good luck to him.
And our dearly beloved Bella. What's up?
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