Banke is amazing!!!!! She has accomplished so much in the beauty industry….From her start as a wedding makeup artist while studying English at the University of Lagos, to launching her own makeup line (BM Pro) and most importantly training and empowering many young ladies in the art of makeup……..Banke deserves a lot of kudos……with her afrocentric style, she is also really nice and fun to be around!!! HERE is her website.

Tara (House of TaRa) is one of Nigeria’s foremost makeup artists….she has been in the business for a very long time…..She is definitely at the top of the list of people who turned makeup artistry into a profession in Nigeria. From her makeup school to her youth beauty business program (YLE) to her makeup brush, product and skincare line (Orekelewa), Tara has inspired many women. I read a letter that her husband, Motivational Consultant, Fela Durotoye wrote to her, it was published in a magazine sometime later year, it was so emotional and stirring….so beside this amazing woman, there is an amazing man.Click HERE to read the letter.

Nigeria’s premier fashion and editorial makeup artist is Bayo Haastrup. He runs Ijade-Egbin and is the official makeup artist for Media 24 Nigeria publications including True Love West Africa magazine…….He is also really smart and has 2 degree including one in human kinetics. You can read more about him by clicking on the picture on the left……
I luv makeup (MAC Addict) and obviously admire all 3 of them....I want to get ur opinions....Is makeup artistry really a profession? Do u think they are inspiring or just lucky? Do Nigerian women wear too much makeup? lol.....so....what do u guys think?
Oh good piece Bella!!! you have definitely broaden my knowledge of Naija make up artist :) ..it’s good to see most of them doing very well…I’d say the prominent one of them all is Banke Meshida…the wonders this chic does to transform some of those not so pretty Naija society ladies is just amazing...infact her work is too bunz…I personally know some brides she has transformed… that me sef I had to take a 2nd glance to make sure it was the same person.Actuallly maybe I’m just being biased she has some HOT HOT HOT pictures of some of my friends on her site…Lowla,Ayo,and Kaka you peeps look fab.
Ok now back to the question…..As one can see most of these artists didn’t go straight into the world of makeup they all went to Uni/college and have studied something (Bayo Haastrup even has 2 including one in human kinetics…(Who studies human kinetics????) so that in case God forbid the makeup business doesn’t work then there’s something to fall back on.
Inspired??Luck???Anywhich one they are making all that money £££ $$$ =N= =N= =N=
I’d have to say that since the influx of MAC into the Naija society the HEAVY use of make up on the Nigerian woman has reduced drastically…gosh if we go back to the Fashion Fair (sorry :( I know some people still use it) wearing days…you couldn’t hung someone without lifting tons of make up on yourself and ruining your nicely dry cleaned white linen shirt (personal experience)
Thank God for the invention of MAC,IMAN,Bobby brown,Mary K ..et al
But honestly well done to all these guys for the good work
…and to you out there that has that dream…men run with it o…it might not come round again.
Awesome! Was wondering when you would do something on makeup!
Just became familiar with Bayo's work, but those 2ladies and Bayo are definitely "TRYING" to substantiate the profession that is Makeup Artistry. It was a path that I wanted to walk, but was not ready for the "You must be mad" stares from my folks! Imagine mom telling her friends that their first born is not a doctor or a lawyer...Ha?
Excitement is what I feel about the future prospects of Nigerian youths who have decided to unearth their God given talents that have been buried or stifled!
I often read about people completing their 1 and 2 degrees
(For their parents) and then making their own dreams come true by fashion designing,writing books, painting and athletics etc Doing what they do best for a nice pay. "There is nothing better than doing what you love after you get a first degree..So that you'll have something to fall back on" My moms favorite line!
I think they are all inspiring, lucky and blessed!
I'm happy to hear that beauty is a big industry in Naja.
great Job bella now if only banke can provide her contact info!:) on her site
I have never heard about the guy, but I have heard about Tara and Banke. One of her girls did my sista's make-up for her trad wedding. Banke was fully booked, but the chick did an awesome job. She offers classes on how to wear make-up which I really think helped my sista, trust me she didnt know how to wear jack b4, lol. I went to her store n got some make-up too. I was so impressed. I think the make-up biz is here to stay! They are talented n I applaud them! n yeah girl I soo love ur blog!
yup i definately think make artistry is a profession and something that needs to be taught. A lot of nigerian women are still guilty of too much pancake! LOL
a bit too much electronic airbrushing on the banke meshidas models as in it takes away from her artistry.
@ Naija gal...Yeah, no contact number, have a wedding coming up(not mine ..LOL)and desperately need her number! Would've been perfect if she had phone numbers on there! If anybody has her booking #..it would be awesome! For privacy you may ffwd it to
Got it..thanks!
Nicee entry.. I actually found out about Banke this week. lol funny you write about it today... Also another Nigerian Owned line is
and http://www.element5makeup.com/ owned by the same person. There are actually make up artist in Nigeria that use element5 in their work... Naija is seriously rawking the fashion industry.. I'm feeeeeling this nice ones babz! noiceee
yayyy for makeup that accentuates what's already there...nayyy to makeup that clouds and alters so dramatically that it becomes borderline ridiculous - in either a good (think people that rely on makeup for their beauty) or bad (think a chunk of nigeria's high society women) way. it shouldn't make up for what's not there and it shouldn't cake up what is. sorry, i had to :)
i love that nigerians are diversifying. i suppose it's a western ideal that's becoming more mainstream - the thought that you can excel @ virtually anything. it's great that we are not constricted by social stereotypes and we are finding unusual niches and excelling so astoundingly at them.
Yes O!!!! I see Lowlabunnie looking flawless (not like she needs make up in the first place) Really digging the 'innovativeness' (in Jade speak) of teh whole make up business. Even my baby sister started doing it and gets har pocket money that way, when popsie is tight handed (which is much of the time). I guess people are finally taking advantage of the gap in the market and combining it with talent. RAWK ON!!! Me to I am learning so that when I do go back I can use it as my moonlighting gig.... no need to have back for ground. LOL
Anyone who knows her should tell her to put a phone number up now!!! How far?
Banke looks Ghanaian. I am certain her ancestors are from Kumasi :D lol! And just out of curiosity, who are the so called "not so pretty naija society girls"?
tomorrow is caribana and I will be there to represent my African sisters. I will also be phishing for bloaks on your behalf since your current state of environment does not provide you with such privileges! I luv u too
Who remembers Tejusosho back in the day,as you make way into the market hair braiders bum rush you shouting and almost pulling ones arm out of it's socket saying "Antee Antee u wan tow brake ya hair?" ( auny u want to braid your hair?) I have a feeling that those same people will soon start shouting "Antee, fine sistah, let me chape your eyebrown, antee you want tow do make hup?" What I wonder is how long is this makeup thing going to last when the industry gets saturated with makeup artists...Is it better as a profession or just a side hustle?
I am sorry I am not about to talk about make-up..don't get me wrong, I lurve make-up but please I just read the letter about Tara frm her husband and oh my goodness!!!!!!!! That is the sweetest letter I have read in a while...WOW!!!! Words can't express....This just rekindles my hope that there are still GOOD men out there.
@ehi what did tara's hubby say
@bella and everyone check out my some cool naija adverts on my site
Mm I like this....didnt know much abt that bayo guy ...now i do :o) well done girlie
Didn't have the 85 number...Thanks Omolabake!
Hmmm..that Bayo is giving me a toothache! All's I have to say is...How you doin'?
so omolabake what is the price range?
Pray tell whats the price range!
Great post. Love your blog! I think makeup artistry is a valid industry or profession to go into. Of course most Naija parents want their kids to go to uni which isn't a bad idea but I think people interested in makeup should definitely pursue it as a career option. It's profitable and Nigerian women need it.
Banke did my makeup when I got married over 2 years ago and she charged 15k (wedding) and 12k (engagement including tying my gele and iro) and I think 6k or 7k for each of my bridesmaids. She was very professional and showed up personally at my house (for the engagement) and the hotel (for the wedding)on time and was very attentive to our needs. She used MAC at the time and I am pleased to hear that she now has a make up line. I still have her card and here's her contact info: Her studio is at #4 DHQ Shopping Complex, Rumens Road off Kingsway Road, Ikoyi Lagos. Her telephone numbers are: 0803 3010 703 or 0802 3514 959 or 234 1 8135305. Her email address is bmeshida@yahoo.com
Gbemi more blessings!
I just love Naija girls who love to share info! Some chicks just like to hoard info...Loving this blog and the "share the love commentators" Rawk on Bella Naija!!!
cool wedding business in naija is definitely the way then:)nice! thanks for the info ladies:)
Ohhhh, I had been wondering how to pronounce "Ijade Egbin" NOW I KNOW!!! - That's beautiful!!
@ Omolabake *giving you a big internet hug* Many thanks!
You have been very informative! Will call on Monday morning!
oh omolabake it was me giving the hug! LOL ..forgot to sign my moniker
www.facebymaori.com (still in development tho)
This is very interesting cos i used to work with Tara's husband, Fela Durotoye's consulting firm, V.I.P Conulting. I remember the day that letter was written vividly........
Tara is a very challenging woman anyday anytime and with a most supporting husbad like Fela, she has been taking a strong lead of the Make-up industry in Nigeria. Y'know, she was the first to open a make-up studio and start make-up classes in Nigeria........
hmmmm....talk about making money off your passion! some pple just are very lucky pple... last month, i had the opportunity to meet Tara and i must say, i was simply tripped.. inspite of the glitz that really surrounds her cuz of her profession, she is so humble ...down to earth...can give a good laugh and gurls, you need to see her, she does not look a day older than 25years of age, considering the fact that , she has got 3boys!!
I think Nigeria is really going thru a phase of revolution, young pple are really coming up to do something really amazing and its just awesome seeing how much of great talents we have in Nigeria. YOu know these pple started small...like Tara said, she used to beg pple to let her make them up...look at her 2day! Segun is also one guy i respect, he is the guy behind Funmi Iyanda's face anyway... that speaks volumes!!!
So sistas...what talents are you hiding?? you think its too small to make money off it? you got to be kidding.....start small..the word is Do something about it, because the one who has given you that talent expects you to do smething with it... so dont disappoint Him!
It does not have to be your profession or career, you could do it as a give back to community kinda thingy...am sure someone will bless you for it.
Bella...big up!
i am so excited with the new products that have been recently introduced into the BMPRO line. SKIN PRIMERS that help makeup appear velvety and smooth.at the mo its sold out but ll be available from the 20th of this month. everyone NEEDS to have them and for the budding professionals, Y'ALL NEED SUM O THAT!
Any talent can evolve into a profession.Make up artistry inclusive.
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