Friday, July 07, 2006


Can someone please tell me what is going on with Zeal from Styl Plus' hair?
Its scaring me......


Anonymous said...

i actually like it o, gives him a diff appeal

LondonBuki said...

He's experimenting with his hair innit? Loadsa guys go through that phase... some stay like that (hopefully it suits them) and others go back to low haircuts...

Olówó said...

He needs to quit with that shege and go back to the low cut sexy look he had in that "Runaway" video. This hair foolishness isn't becoming.

Anonymous said...

Haba his hair is sick pls. Didn't like the low cut. I think it shows a different side of him. I think he's HOTT!!!

Tutsy said...

I think he just survived a terrible electric

EKENYERENGOZI Michael Chima said...

I have read all your posts and I am really very proud of you.

You are concise and precise and that is how you know a good writer and not another GIGO.

Your posts are just telling us the right gist on Nigeria.

Well done and God bless!

Bella Naija said...

thanks orikinla

Anonymous said...

do u guys believe in love in 1st sight? am tell u i av fallen in luv wiv zeal and his hair am running nut.i think god has spent more time on him while he was creating him. he is so buff